API Reference > OdDb Classes
OdDb Classes
Library: DbCryptModule  
This class represents 2D Polyline entities in an OdDbDatabase instance. 
This class represents OdDb2Polyline vertices in an OdDbDatabase instance. 
This class represents 2-Line Angular Dimension entities in an OdDbDatabase instance. 
This class represents 3D Polyline entities in an OdDbDatabase instance. 
This class represents OdDb3dPolyline vertices in an OdDbDatabase instance. 
This class represents 3D Solid entities in an OdDbDatabase instance. 
This class represents 3-Point Angular Dimension entities in an OdDbDatabase instance. 
This class is the base class for Protocol Extension classes for OdDbViewport and OdDbPlotSettings objects.
Corresponding C++ library: TD_Db 
This class is the Protocol Extension class for OdDbPlotSettings objects.
Corresponding C++ library: TD_Db
This class is the Protocol Extension class for OdDbViewport objects.
Corresponding C++ library: TD_Db
This class is the base class of Protocol Extension classes for OdDbViewport and OdDbViewportTableRecord objects.
Corresponding C++ library: TD_Db 
This class is the Protocol Extension class for OdDbViewportTableRecord objects. 
This class is the Protocol Extension class for OdDbViewport objects. Corresponding C++ library: TD_Db  
This class is the Protocol Extension class for OdDbViewTableRecord objects.
Corresponding C++ library: TD_Db  
This class is the base class for OdDbViewTable and OdDbViewportTable. 
This class is the base class for OdDbViewTableRecord and OdDbViewportTableRecord. 
This class represents Aligned Dimension entities in an OdDbDatabase instance. 
This class defines a set of annotation-specific properties for an Aligned Dimension object. 
This class defines a set of annotation-specific properties for an Angular Dimension object. 
This class defines an annotation scale as a context object. 
For internal use only. 
This class must be implemented for objects that use annotation scaling. 
This class defines the set of object properties that represent an annotation scale. 
Corresponding C++ library: TD_Db  

This class implements the circular arc object (Arc entity) in the database. This class inherits the base functionality of entities. An arc is a circular segment in world space. 
This class represents Arc-Aligned Text entities in an OdDbDatabase instance.
Corresponding C++ library: ATEXT
This class represents Arc Dimension entities in an OdDbDatabase instance. 
This class represents Attribute entities in an OdDbDatabase instance. 
This class represents attribute defintion (Attdef) entities in an OdDbDatabase instance. 
This class tracks audit information during a database audit. 
This class is a base class for all background objects. Corresponding C++ library: SCENEOE 
Class for setting options used for creating blend surfaces and lofted solids (by calling OdDbLoftedSurface::createBlendSurface() or OdDb3dSolid::createBlendSolid() methods). Loft and blend options are used to control the shape of the resulting surface or solid object.
This class defines a set of annotation-specific properties for a Block Reference object. 
Corresponding C++ library: TD_Db  
Corresponding C++ library: TD_Db  
This class represents BlockBegin entities in an OdDbDatabase instance. 
This class iterates through changed entities in an OdDbBlockTableRecord instance. 
Corresponding C++ library: TD_Db  
Corresponding C++ library: TD_Db  
This class represents BlockEnd entities in an OdDbDatabase instance. 
Corresponding C++ library: TD_Db  
Corresponding C++ library: TD_Db  
This class implements Iterator objects that traverse entries in OdDbBlockTableRecord objects in an OdDbDatabase instance. 
Corresponding C++ library: TD_Db  
This class represents block parameters in an OdDbDatabase instance. 
Corresponding C++ library: TD_Db  
Corresponding C++ library: TD_Db  
Corresponding C++ library: TD_Db  
This class represents block references (Inserts) in an OdDbDatabase instance. 
This class implements the BlockTable, which represents block definitions in an OdDbDatabase instance. 
This class implements bidirectional Iterator objects that traverse entries in OdDbBlockTable objects in an OdDbDatabase instance.
Corresponding C++ library: TD_Db
This class represents Block records in the OdDbBlockTable in an OdDbDatabase instance. 
This class is a specialization of OdDbObjectId for OdDbBlockTableRecord. 
Corresponding C++ library: TD_DynBlocks  
Corresponding C++ library: TD_Db  
This class represents 3D body entities in an OdDbDatabase instance. 
This class represents break data for dimensions. 
This class is the Protocol Extension class for updating OdDbBreakData objects when their associated OdDbEntity objects are modified. 
This class represents break points for dimensions. 
Corresponding C++ library: ACCAMERA

This class implements the circle object (Circle entity) in the database. This class inherits the base functionality of entities. A circle is a circular closed figure in world space. 

This class implements the color object that stores information about a color as an element of the database container. The database stores the color instances in the dictionary and associates the object ID with an each color instance. The color dictionary is accessed from the database object using the getColorDictionaryId() method. The root drawing dictionary, associates the "ACAD_COLOR" name with the color dictionary. 
This class defines the interface for I/O and database access for custom commands during their execution. 
The class is the base class for all OdDb curves.
Corresponding C++ library: TD_Db
This class defines the interface for the Curve Protocol Extension classes. 
This class represents a complete drawing file. 
This class is a container class for OdDbDatabase objects.
Corresponding C++ library: TD_Db  
This class is the base class for custom classes that receive notification of OdDbDatabase events. 
This class encapsulates a set of character strings containing additional information for an OdDbDatabase as Summary Information. 
Corresponding C++ library: TD_Db  
Corresponding C++ library: TD_Db  
This class links a table to data in another file. 
Corresponding C++ library: TD_Db  
This class represents Date objects in an OdDbDatabase instance. 
This class is the base class for classes that are used for DeepClone file I/O operations utilizing .dwg and .dxf file formats. Corresponding C++ library: TD_Db  
This class represents detail view style object.
Corresponding C++ library: TD_Db  
This class defines the interface for the Entity Protocol Extension classes. 
This class defines the interface for the Linetype Table Record Protocol Extension classes. 
This class represents Diametric Dimension entities in an OdDbDatabase instance. 
This class defines a set of annotation-specific properties for a Diametric Dimension object. 
This class implements database -resident object dictionaries. 
This class implements Iterator objects that traverse entries in OdDbDictionary objects in an OdDbDatabase instance.
Corresponding C++ library: TD_Db 
This class represents Dictionary Variable objects in an OdDbDatabase instance.
Corresponding C++ library: TD_Db
This class represents database -resident object dictionaries with with default entries.
This class represents Associative Dimension objects in an OdDbDatabase instance.
Corresponding C++ library: TD_Db
This class is the base Protocol Extension class for updating OdDbDimAssoc objects when their associated objects are copied or erased. 
This class passes parameters for the getGripPoints and moveGripPoints functions of OdDbEntity. 
This class is the base class for all Dimension classes in an OdDbDatabase instance. 
This class defines a set of annotation-specific properties for a Dimension object. 
This class is the Dimension Recompute Protocol Extension class. 
This class is the Protocol Extension class for updating OdDbDimension objects when their associated OdDbDimStyleTableRecord objects are modified. 
This class implements the DimensionStyleTable, which represents dimension styles in an OdDbDatabase instance. 
This class represents Dimension Style records in the OdDbDimStyleTable in an OdDbDatabase instance. 
This class is the abstract base class for classes that are used for file I/O operations with the .dwg file format.
Corresponding C++ library: TD_Db
This class is the abstract base class for classes that are used for file I/O operations with DXF formats.
Corresponding C++ library: TD_Db
Corresponding C++ library: TD_Db  
This class is a utility class providing access to information on dynamic block references. Corresponding C++ library: TD_DynBlocks  
This class is a utility class referencing properties of dynamic blocks. 
Corresponding C++ library: TD_DynBlocks 

This class implements the ellipse object (Ellipse entity) in the database. This class inherits the base functionality of entities. The ellipse entity can represent either an elliptical closed figure (ellipse) or unclosed elliptical segment (elliptical arc) in world space. When the start angle coincides with the end angle, the figure is closed and this class represents an ellipse. When the start angle differs from the end angle on 1e-6, the figure is unclosed and this class represents an elliptical arc. 
This class is the base class for all graphical objects contained in an OdDbDatabase instance. 
This class defines the interface for the Entity Intersection Protocol Extension classes. 
This class is the Protocol Extension for OdDbEntity objects with stored graphics data.
Corresponding C++ library: TD_Db
This class implements a runtime inspection interface for OdDbEvalExpr objects.
Corresponding C++ library: TD_DynBlocks  
This class represents application data used during the evaluation of an OdDbEvalGraph object. 
This class implements iterators for OdDbEvalContextPair objects in an OdDbEvalContext instance. 
This class represents key - value pairs stored in an OdDbEvalContext object. 
This class holds the directed edge information between pairs of nodes in an OdDbEvalGraph instance.
Corresponding C++ library: TD_DynBlocks  
This class represents single nodes in OdDbEvalGraph objects. 
This class implements the behavior of dynamic blocks with a network of interrelated elements. 
This class is the base Protocol Extension class for classes used for catching evaluation requests from associated objects. 
This class implements a three-dimensional extruded surface entity. 

This class implements the /3d face/ object (3D Face entity) in the database. This class inherits the base functionality of entities. 
This class represents OdDbPolyFaceMesh faces in an OdDbDatabase instance.
This class represents feature control frames in an OdDbDatabase instance.
This class defines a set of annotation-specific properties for a Feature Control Frame object. 
This class is the Protocol Extension class for updating OdDbFcf objects when their associated OdDbDimStyleTableRecord objects are modified. 
This class represents Field objects in an OdDbDatabase instance. 
This class is the abstract base class for classes that are used for file I/O operations utilizing the .dwg and .dxf file formats.
Corresponding C++ library: TD_Db
The class is the base class for all OdDb Filter objects. 
This class implements Iterator objects that traverse queries defined by OdDbFilter objects on Block Table Records. 
This class represents FormattedTableData objects in an OdDbDatabase instance. 
This class is the abstract base class for OdDbOleFrame graphical objects contained in an OdDbDatabase instance. 
This class uniquely defines subentities within in an OdDbDatabase instance. 
This class reads information from and writes information to a .dwg file.
Corresponding C++ library: TD_Db
This class reads information from and writes information to a DXF file.
Corresponding C++ library: TD_DbEntity
This abstract class represents a coordinate reference system (CRS) definition.
This abstract class represents a category which holds string identifiers referring to a group of coordinate reference systems.
This abstract class represents a transformer object which is used to transform points from the source CRS to the target CRS.
This class represents GeoData objects in an OdDbDatabase instance.
This class represents implementation of OdGiDrawable, that is used to draw chucks images of OdDbGeoData.
An abstract class that represents a protocol extension for an OdDbGeoData object to draw chunks images for OdDbGeoData.
OdDbGeoDataMarker is OdDbGeoData location marker. It should be drawn only in active viewport, for both model and paper spaces when GEOMARKERVISIBILITY == true and GeoData is present in database. It shouldn't be drawn in paper space viewport if activeView is overallView.
An abstract class that represents a protocol extension for an OdDbGeoData object.
This class represents implementation of OdGiDrawable, that is used to draw providers string for OdDbGeoData.
An abstract class that represents a protocol extension for an OdDbGeoData object to draw providers string for OdDbGeoData.
This class overrules a subset of geometry linked operations which an entity specifies. It is used as a base class for classes derived from OdDbEntity to change their behavior. Each default implementation calls the corresponding method of the target class.
Corresponding C++ library: TD_Db  

Class represents a geographical location aware marker object with a label. 
This class is for a gradient background. Corresponding C++ library: SCENEOE 
This class implements generic graph objects. 
This class implements generic node objects for generic graphs. 
This class implements stacks for OdDbGraphNode object pointers. Corresponding C++ library: TD_Db
This class overrules a subset of grip linked operations which an entity specifies. It is used as a base class for classes derived from OdDbEntity to change their behavior. Each default implementation calls the corresponding method of the target class.
Corresponding C++ library: TD_Db  
This class is the Grip Points Protocol Extension class. 
This class implements a ground plane for a background object in a viewport. Corresponding C++ library: SCENEOE 
This class represents Group objects in an OdDbDatabase instance. 
This class defines Iterator objects that traverse entries in OdDbGroup objects in an OdDbDatabase instance. 
This class is a specialization of OdDbObjectId indicating a hard owner relationship. 
This class is a specialization of OdDbObjectId indicating a hard pointer relationship. 
This class represents Hatch entities in an OdDbDatabase instance. 
This class defines the interface for the Hatch Protocol Extension classes. 
This class defines a set of annotation-specific properties for a Hatch Scale object. 
This class defines a set of annotation-specific properties for a Hatch View object. 
This class is the Protocol Extension class for updating OdDbHatch objects. 

This class represents Helix entities in an OdDbDatabase instance.
Corresponding C++ library: TD_Db 
This class overrules a subset of highlight linked operations which an entity specifies. It is used as a base class for classes derived from OdDbEntity to change their behavior. Each default implementation calls the corresponding method of the target class.
Corresponding C++ library: TD_Db  
This class is the base class for platform specific operations within the Drawings SDK.
Corresponding C++ library: TD_Db
This class implements platform-dependent operations and progress metering. 
This class implements a image based lighting for a background object in a viewport. Corresponding C++ library: SCENEOE 
Represents an ID buffer object in an OdDbDatabase instance.
This class is the base class for Iterator classes used to access the Object ID's in an OdDbIdBuffer object.
This class is used in deepclone operations to map, using OdDbIdPair objects, Object IDs from the original objects to their clones. 
This class defines Iterator objects that traverse OdDbIdPair records in OdDbIdMapping instances. 
This class is the element class for OdDbMapping, which is used in deepclone operations to map Object IDs from the original objects to their clones. 
This class is the abstract base class for image entities contained in an OdDbDatabase instance. 
This class is for an image background. Corresponding C++ library: SCENEOE 
The class is the base class for all OdDb Index objects. 
This class associates Index specific flags and data with an OdDbObjectId. 
This class iterates through OdDbIndexUpdateData instances. 
This class implements LayerFilter objects in an OdDbDatabase instance. 
This class implements Layer Index objects in an OdDbDatabase instance. 
This class implements an interface for manipulating LayerStates in multiple OdDbDatabase instances.
Corresponding C++ library: TD_Db  
This class represents Layer States Manager objects. Corresponding C++ library: TD_Db  
This class defines reactor objects for layer state manager objects (objects of the OdDbLayerStateManager class).
Corresponding C++ library: TD_Db  

This class implements the layer table object, which represents a container for storing and accessing of layer record objects in the database. This class inherits the base functionality of predefined tables. 

This class implements the layer record object, which represents a layer in the database. This class inherits the base functionality of named records. 
This class represents Layout objects in an OdDbDatabase instance. 
This class modifies and accesses Layout objects in an OdDbDatabase instance. 
This class is the base class for custom classes that receive notification of OdDbLayout events. 
This class is the Protocol Extension class for OdDbLayout objects. 
This class represents Leader entities in an OdDbDatabase instance.
This class defines a set of annotation-specific properties for a Leader object. 
This class is the Protocol Extension class for updating OdDbLeader objects. 
This class represents a placeholder for all generic light properties. Corresponding C++ library: SCENEOE

This class implements the line object (Line entity) in the database. This class inherits the base functionality of entities. A line is a straight segment in world space. 

This class implements the linetype table object, which represents a container for storing and accessing of linetype record objects in the database. This class inherits the base functionality of predefined tables. 

This class implements bidirectional iterator for instances of the linetype record object within the linetype table object.
Corresponding C++ library: TD_Db 

This class implements the linetype record object, which represents a linetype in the database. This class inherits the base functionality of named records. 
Work-in-progress. This class represents LinkedData objects in an OdDbDatabase instance. 
This class represents LinkedTableData objects in an OdDbDatabase instance. This enables linking to Excel data. 
This class implements a three-dimensional lofted surface entity. 
Class for setting options used for creating lofted surfaces and lofted solids (by calling OdDbLoftedSurface::createLoftedSurface() or OdDb3dSolid::createLoftedSolid() methods). Loft options are used to control the shape of the resulting surface or solid object.
This class implements the tracking of long transactions. 
This class implements Iterator objects that traverse OdDbLongTransaction worksets.
This class is an abstract base class for classes which to copy properties between entities.
Corresponding C++ library: TD_Db
This class represents Material properties for shaded entities.
This class is a container class for the properties relevent to mental ray renderers. 
This class represents arrayed instances of block references (MInserts) in an OdDbDatabase instance. 
This class is the main class used for the multiple leader (MLeader) objects. 
This class defines a set of annotation-specific properties for an MLeader object. 
This class is the MLeader Recompute Protocol Extension class. 
This class represents MLeader Style objects in an OdDbDatabase instance. 

This class represents multi-line entities in an OdDbDatabase instance.
Corresponding C++ library: TD_Db 
This class represents Mline Style objects in an OdDbDatabase instance. 
Corresponding C++ library: TD_Db  
Corresponding C++ library: SCENEOE
This class processes one or more closed polygons as a single polygon. Corresponding C++ library: AcMPolygonObj15 
Represents node objects in the MPolygon nesting tree.  

This class represents paragraph (multi-line) text (MText) entities in an OdDbDatabase instance.
Corresponding C++ library: TD_Db 
This class defines a set of annotation-specific properties for an MText Attribute object. 
Corresponding C++ library: SCENEOE
This class implements a three-dimensional NURB surface entity. 
This class is the base class for all objects contained in an OdDbDatabase instance (OdDb objects). 
This class represents a context that can determine what properties and behaviors are available for custom objects. 
This class represents a collection of objects that have context items defined. 
This class implements Iterators for objects that have context items defined and stored in a context collection (using the OdDbObjectContextCollections class). 
This class defines the set of object properties that represent an object in some context. 
This class is the Protocol Extension class for OdDbObjectContext objects. 
This class returns and manages the context objects that are available in a drawing. 
This class implements memory-resident ObjectId objects for OdDbDatabase objects. 
This class defines bidirectional Iterator objects that traverse entities contained in complex entities.
OdDbBlock Table Records in an OdDbDatabase instance. 
This class overrules a subset of operations which an object of a database specifies. It is used as a base class for classes derived from OdDbObject to change their behavior. Each default implementation calls the corresponding method of the target class.
Corresponding C++ library: TD_Db  
This class is the base class for custom classes that receive notification of OdDbObject events. 
This class represents OLE2 entities in an OdDbDatabase instance. 
This class is the abstract base class for OdDbOle2Frame graphical entities contained in an OdDbDatabase instance. 
This class represents Ordinate Dimension entities in an OdDbDatabase instance. 
This class defines a set of annotation-specific properties for an Ordinate Dimension object. 
This class overrules a subset of osnap linked operations which an entity specifies. It is used as a base class for classes derived from OdDbEntity to change their behavior. Each default implementation calls the corresponding method of the target class.
Corresponding C++ library: TD_Db  
This class controls the paging support for an OdDbDatabase instance. 
This class is a Protocol Extension class for objects, such as annotative objects, that support a paper orientation property. 
This class represents selection filter defined by ResBuf chain.
This PE provides transform for child objects. Implemented for Block Reference, Viewport. Can be implemented for custom objects.  
Library: OdDbPartialViewing.  
Library: OdDbPartialViewing  
Library: OdDbPartialViewing  
The class that implements PDF underlay definition functionality.  
The class that implements functionality for working with references to PDF content.  
This class implements Placeholder objects in an OdDbDatabase instance. 
This class implements a three-dimensional planar surface entity. 
This class represents PlotSettings objects in an OdDbDatabase instance. 
This class defines access methods that validate data for OdDbPlotSettings objects prior to setting the data on the objects. 
This class is the Plot Settings Validator Protocol Extension class. 

This class implements the point object (Point entity) in the database. This class inherits the base functionality of entities. 
This class defines a point reference between a dimension and its corresponding object.
Corresponding C++ library: TD_Db  
This class represents PolyFaceMesh entities in an OdDbDatabase instance. 
This class represents OdDbPolyFaceMesh vertices in an OdDbDatabase instance. 
This class represents PolygonMesh entities in an OdDbDatabase instance. 
This class represents OdDbPolygonMesh vertices in an OdDbDatabase instance. 
This class represents Lightweight Polyline entities in an OdDbDatabase instance. 
This class overrules a subset of property linked operations which an object or entity specifies. It is used as a base class for classes derived from OdDbObject or OdDbEntity to change their behavior. Each default implementation calls the corresponding method of the target class.
Corresponding C++ library: TD_Db  
This class is the abstract base class for Proxy entities derived from OdDbEntity in an OdDbDatabase instance. 
This class defines in interface for proxy entities and proxy objects in an OdDbDatabase instance.
This class is the abstract base class for Proxy objects in an OdDbDatabase instance. 
This class represents Radial Dimension entities in an OdDbDatabase instance. 
This class represents Large (Jogged) Radial Dimension entities in an OdDbDatabase instance. 
This class defines a set of annotation-specific properties for a Large Radial Dimension object. 
This class defines a set of annotation-specific properties for a Radial Dimension object. 
This class is a container class for the properties relevent to rapid RT renderers. 
This class represents RasterImage entities in an OdDbDatabase instance. Corresponding C++ library: ISM 
This virtual base class defines raster image definition objects in an OdDbDatabase instance. Corresponding C++ library: ISM 
This class implements raster image definition reactor objects in an OdDbDatabase instance. 
This class implements raster image definition transient reactor objects in an OdDbDatabase instance. Corresponding C++ library: TD_Db  
This class represents RasterVariables objects in an OdDbDatabase instance. Corresponding C++ library: ISM 

This class implements the ray object (Ray entity) in the database. This class inherits the base functionality of entities. A ray is a semi-infinite line. 
This class implements the RegAppTable, which represents registered application names for Extended Entity Data in an OdDbDatabase instance. 
This class represents records in the OdDbRegAppTable in an OdDbDatabase instance. 
This class represents Region entities in an OdDbDatabase instance.
An OdDbRegion entity is a wrapper for an ACIS model that represents the geometry of the OdDbRegion entity. 
This class is a container for all global rendering properties. 
This class is a container class for the properties relevent to generic high-fidelity renderers. Corresponding C++ library: SCENEOE 
This class implements a three-dimensional revolved surface entity. 
Class for setting options used for creating revolving surfaces and revolving solids (by calling OdDbRevolvedSurface::createRevolvedSurface() or OdDb3dSolid::createRevolvedSolid() methods). Revolve options are used to control the shape of the resulting surface or solid object.
This class represents Rotated Dimension entities in an OdDbDatabase instance. 
Library: DbRuntimeIO  
Library: DbRuntimeIO  
This class implements Safe OdDbTransactionReactor objects. 

This class implements the scale object that stores information about an annotation scale as an element of the database container. The database stores the scale instances in the dictionary and associates the object ID with an each scale instance. The scale dictionary is accessed from the database object using the getScaleListDictionaryId() method. The root drawing dictionary, associates the "ACAD_SCALELIST" name with the scale dictionary. 
This class represents a section plane.  
This class represent section plane settings.  
This class represents detail view style objects.
Corresponding C++ library: TD_Db  
This class is the abstract base class for all selection filters.
This class represents Selection Sets in a client application. 
This class implements iterators for OdDbSelectionSet objects. 
This class represents SequenceEnd (Seqend) entities in an OdDbDatabase instance. 
This class is a plot settings protocol extension class. The methods of the OdDbSetPlotSettingsPE provide the direct access to OdDbPlotSettings fields. Unlike the OdDbPlotSettingsValidator class, which can also be used for defining plot settings, OdDbSetPlotSettingsPE allows you to set data without validation.  

This class represents Shape entities in an OdDbDatabase instance. 
This class implements a sky for a background object in a viewport. Corresponding C++ library: SCENEOE 
This class is a specialization of OdDbObjectId indicating a soft owner relationship. 
This class is a specialization of OdDbObjectId indicating a soft pointer relationship. 

This class implements the two-dimensional /solid-filled/ object (Planar Solid entity) in the database. This class inherits the base functionality of entities. 
This class is for a solid background. Corresponding C++ library: SCENEOE 
This class implements the SortentsTable, which specifies the DrawOrder of entities in an OdDbDatabase instance. 
This class implements Spatial Filter objects in an OdDbDatabase instance. 
This class implements Spatial Index objects in an OdDbDatabase instance. 
This class implements Iterator objects that traverse queries defined by OdDbSpatialFilter objects. 
This class represents Spline entities in an OdDbDatabase instance. 
This class represents Spline entities in an OdDbDatabase instance. 
This class represents SubDMesh entities in an OdDbDatabase instance. 
This class overrules a subset of subentity linked operations which an entity specifies. It is used as a base class for classes derived from OdDbEntity to change their behavior. Each default implementation calls the corresponding method of the target class.
Corresponding C++ library: TD_Db  
Corresponding C++ library: SCENEOE
This class implements a three-dimensional surface entity. 
Class for setting options used for creating swept surfaces and swept solids (by calling OdDbSweptSurface::createSweptSurface() or OdDb3dSolid::createSweptSolid() methods). Sweep options are used to control the shape of the resulting surface or solid object.
This class implements a three-dimensional swept surface entity. 

This class implements the predefined table object, which represents a container for storing and accessing of named record objects in the database. 
This class implements bidirectional Iterators for OdDbSymbolTable objects in an OdDbDatabase instance.
Corresponding C++ library: TD_Db

This class implements the named record object, which is the base class for all record objects in the database. 
This class represents table entities in an OdDbDatabase instance. 
Work-in-progress. This class represents TableContent objects in an OdDbDatabase instance. 
This class implements Iterator objects that traverse columns, rows and cells of tables. 
This class represents TableStyles for OdDbTable entities in an OdDbDatabase instance.
This class represents TableTemplate objects which are used for capturing, storing and managing table templates. 
This class is the Protocol Extension class for updating OdDbTable objects when their associated OdDbTableStyle objects are modified. 

This class represents single-line text entities in an OdDbDatabase instance.
Corresponding C++ library: TD_Db 
This class can can be used to parse the text received in a client override of OdGiConveyorGeometry::textProc.
This class defines a set of annotation-specific properties for a Text object. 

This class implements the text style table object, which represents a container for storing and accessing of text style record objects in the database. This class inherits the base functionality of predefined tables. 

This class implements the text style record object, which represents a text style in the database. This class inherits the base functionality of named records. 

This class implements the two-dimensional /solid-filled/ object (Trace entity) in the database. This class inherits the base functionality of entities. 
This class is the base class for custom classes that receive notification of OdDbTransaction events. 
This class overrules a subset of transformation linked operations which an entity specifies. It is used as a base class for classes derived from OdDbEntity to change their behavior. Each default implementation calls the corresponding method of the target class.
Corresponding C++ library: TD_Db  
This class adds reference types to memory-resident Object ID objects for OdDbDatabase objects.

This class implements the UCS table object, which represents a container for storing and accessing of UCS record objects in the database. The UCS is user coordinate system. This class inherits the base functionality of predefined tables. 

This class implements the UCS record object, which represents a UCS in the database. The UCS is user coordinate system. This class inherits the base functionality of named records. 
This class, for the duration of its existence, disables Undo Recording for its associated object.
This class defines the interface for a Units Formatter.  
This class implements geometric interactive user IO functionality for custom interactive command objects. Corresponding C++ library: TD_Db  
This class represents VBA Project objects in an OdDbDatabase instance. 
The class is the base class for all OdDb vertices.
Corresponding C++ library: TD_Db
This class represents PaperSpace Viewport entities in an OdDbDatabase instance. 
This class implements the ViewportTable, which represents tiled viewports in an OdDbDatabase instance. 
This class represents tiled viewport records in the OdDbViewportTable in an OdDbDatabase instance. 
This class implements the ViewTable, which represents stored views in an OdDbDatabase instance. 
This class represents View records in the OdDbViewTable in an OdDbDatabase instance. 
This class overrules a subset of visibility linked operations which an entity specifies. It is used as a base class for classes derived from OdDbEntity to change their behavior. Each default implementation calls the corresponding method of the target class.
Corresponding C++ library: TD_Db  
This class represents a visual style (a collection of properties) in an OdDbDatabase instance.
This class is the base class for classes that are used for Wblock file I/O operations utilizing .dwg and .dxf file formats. Library Db  
This class represents wipeout entities in an OdDbDatabase instance. Corresponding C++ library: WipeOut  
Represents the Wipeout Variables object in an OdDbDatabase instance.
Corresponding C++ library: WipeOut

This class implements the Xline object (Infinity Line entity) in the database. This class inherits the base functionality of entities. It is used as a construction line passed through a point. 
This class implements XRecord objects in an OdDbDatabase, container objects used attach arbitrary data to other OdDb objects. 
This class implements Iterators for the data lists in OdDbXrecord instances. 
This class uniquely defines Xref subentities within an OdDbDatabase instance. 
This class is a derived class for representing the Xref tree of a database. 
This class is a derived class for representing an Xref database. 
This class manages External References (Xrefs) in an OdDbDatabase object.  
This class is the Xref Manager Extenstion class. 
This class representing an Xref database object Id.
Corresponding C++ library: TD_Db  
This class represents b-spline curve 2d entities in an OdDgDatabase instance. 
This class represents b-spline curve 2d entities in an OdDgDatabase instance. 
Corresponding C++ library: TG_Db This class represents a display style (a collection of properties) in an OdDgDatabase instance.
This class is the Grip Points Protocol Extension class. 
This class is the base class for custom classes that receive notification of OdDbTransaction events. 
This class reads information from and writes information to a .dwg file.
Corresponding C++ library: TD_Db
This class reads information from and writes information to a DXF file.
Corresponding C++ library: TD_DbEntity
This class defines the operations and properties that are used in the vectorization of an OdDbDatabase.
Corresponding C++ library: TD_Db
Corresponding C++ library: TD_Db
Library: DbRuntimeIO 
Copyright © 2002–2020. Open Design Alliance. All rights reserved.