API Reference > OdDb Classes > OdDbDimAssoc Class
OdDbDimAssoc Class
class OdDbDimAssoc : public OdDbObject;


This class represents Associative Dimension objects in an OdDbDatabase instance. 

Corresponding C++ library: TD_Db 


This is OdDbDimAssoc, a member of class OdDbDimAssoc. 
This is record OdDbDimAssoc::AssocFlags. 
This is record OdDbDimAssoc::PointType. 
This is record OdDbDimAssoc::RotatedDimType. 
This is addToDimensionReactor, a member of class OdDbDimAssoc. 
This is addToPointRefReactor, a member of class OdDbDimAssoc. 
This is the overview for the assocFlag method overload. 
Notification function called whenever the notifying object has had its clone() member function called.
Returns the Object ID of the Dimension entity associated with this Associative Dimension object (DXF 330). 
Reads the .dwg file data of this object.
Writes the .dwg file data of this object.
Reads the DXF data of this object.
Writes the DXF data of this object.
This is erased, a member of class OdDbDimAssoc. 
This is getDimAssocGeomIds, a member of class OdDbDimAssoc. 
This is isAllGeomErased, a member of class OdDbDimAssoc. 
Returns the trans-space flag of this Associative Dimension object (DXF 70). 
Notification function called whenever an object derived from OdDbEntity is modified.
This is ODDB_DECLARE_MEMBERS, a member of class OdDbDimAssoc. 
Notification function called whenever an object is opened for modify OdDb::kForWrite.
Returns the specified Osnap Point Reference for this Associative Dimension object.
This is post, a member of class OdDbDimAssoc. 
This is removeAssociativity, a member of class OdDbDimAssoc. 
This is removePointRef, a member of class OdDbDimAssoc. 
Returns the rotated dimension type of this Associative Dimension object (DXF 71). 
This is the overview for the setAssocFlag method overload. 
Sets the Object ID of the Dimension entity associated with this Associative Dimension object (DXF 330).  
Sets the specified Osnap Point Reference for this Associative Dimension object.
Sets the rotated dimension type of this Associative Dimension object (DXF 71). 
Sets the trans-space flag of this Associative Dimension object (DXF 70).  
This is subDeepClone, a member of class OdDbDimAssoc. 
This is subWblockClone, a member of class OdDbDimAssoc. 
This is updateDimension, a member of class OdDbDimAssoc. 
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