API Reference > OdDb Classes > OdDbBlockElement Class
OdDbBlockElement Class
class OdDbBlockElement : public OdDbEvalConnectable;




This is record OdDbBlockElement::HistoryCompression. 
Returns true if and only if a connection is allowed from this Connectable object to the specified Connectable object. 
Connects this Connectable object to the specified Connectable object. 
Disconnects this Connectable object from the specified Connectable object. 
Evaluates the expression represented by this Node object.  
This is getConnectedNames, a member of class OdDbBlockElement. 
Returns an array of Connectable objects to which this Connectable object is connected.
Returns an array of Connection names for this Connectable object.  
Returns the type of the specified connection for this Connectable object.  
Returns the value of the specified connection for this Connectable object.  
This is getInstanceMaintenanceVersion, a member of class OdDbBlockElement. 
This is getInstanceVersion, a member of class OdDbBlockElement. 
This is getStretchPoints, a member of class OdDbBlockElement. 
Returns true if and only if this Connectable object has a connection with the specified name.  
has instance data loaded 
This is historyCompression, a member of class OdDbBlockElement. 
This is historyRequired, a member of class OdDbBlockElement. 
This is isMemberOfCurrentVisibilitySet, a member of class OdDbBlockElement. 
loads instance data from xdata chain 
This is moveStretchPointsAt, a member of class OdDbBlockElement. 
This is name, a member of class OdDbBlockElement. 
This is ODDB_EVAL_DECLARE_MEMBERS, a member of class OdDbBlockElement. 
saves instance data to xdata chain 
This is setMemberOfCurrentVisibilitySet, a member of class OdDbBlockElement. 
This is setName, a member of class OdDbBlockElement. 
This is transformBy, a member of class OdDbBlockElement. 
This is updateConnections, a member of class OdDbBlockElement. 
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