API Reference > OdDb Classes > OdDbIBLBackground Class
OdDbIBLBackground Class
class OdDbIBLBackground : public OdDbBackground;


This class implements a image based lighting for a background object in a viewport. Corresponding C++ library: SCENEOE


This is ~OdDbIBLBackground, a member of class OdDbIBLBackground. 
This is OdDbIBLBackground, a member of class OdDbIBLBackground. 
This is displayImage, a member of class OdDbIBLBackground. 
This is drawableType, a member of class OdDbIBLBackground. 
Reads the .dwg file data of this object.
Writes the .dwg file data of this object.
Reads the DXF data of this object.
Writes the DXF data of this object.
This is enable, a member of class OdDbIBLBackground. 
This is IBLImageName, a member of class OdDbIBLBackground. 
This is ODDB_DECLARE_MEMBERS, a member of class OdDbIBLBackground. 
This is rotation, a member of class OdDbIBLBackground. 
This is secondaryBackground, a member of class OdDbIBLBackground. 
This is setDataFrom, a member of class OdDbIBLBackground. 
This is setDisplayImage, a member of class OdDbIBLBackground. 
This is setEnable, a member of class OdDbIBLBackground. 
This is setIBLImageName, a member of class OdDbIBLBackground. 
This is setRotation, a member of class OdDbIBLBackground. 
This is setSecondaryBackground, a member of class OdDbIBLBackground. 
Sets the values of this object's subentity traits, and returns with the calling object's subentity traits.
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