API Reference > OdDb Classes > OdDbAbstractViewportDataForDbViewTabRec Class
OdDbAbstractViewportDataForDbViewTabRec Class
class OdDbAbstractViewportDataForDbViewTabRec : public OdDbAbstractViewportDataForAbstractViewTabRec;


This class is the Protocol Extension class for OdDbViewTableRecord objects. 


Returns the circle zoom percent for the specified viewport object.  
Returns the grid increment for the specified viewport object.  
Returns the major grid lines frequency for the specified viewport object.  
Returns the gsView associated with the specified viewport object.  
This is hasUcs, a member of class OdDbAbstractViewportDataForDbViewTabRec. 
Returns the adaptive grid flag for the specified viewport object.  
Returns whether the grid is bound to limits for the specified viewport object.  
Returns the grid follow flag for the specified viewport object.  
Returns true if and only if the grid is on for the specified viewport object.  
Returns wheether grid subdivision is restricted for the specified viewport object.  
Returns true if and only if isometric snap style is on for the specified viewport object.  
Returns true if and only if the snap mode is on for the specified viewport object.  
Returns true if and only if UCS follow mode is on for the specified viewport object.
Returns true if and only if the UCS icon is at the UCS orgin for the specified viewport object.  
Returns true if and only if the UCS icon is visible for the specified viewport object.  
Returns true if and only if the UCS that is associated with the specified viewport object will become active with activation of the viewport object.
This is ODRX_DECLARE_MEMBERS, a member of class OdDbAbstractViewportDataForDbViewTabRec. 
Sets circle zoom percent for the specified viewport object.  
Controls the adaptive grid flag for the specified viewport object.  
Controls whether the grid is bound to limits for the specified viewport object.  
Controls the grid follow flag for the specified viewport object.  
Sets the grid increment for the specified viewport object.  
Sets the major grid lines frequency for the specified viewport object.  
Controls the grid for the specified viewport object.  
Controls whether grid subdivision is restricted for the specified viewport object.  
Sets the gsView to the specified viewport object.  
Sets the UCS snap angle for the specified viewport object (DXF 50).  
Sets the UCS snap base point of the specified viewport object.  
Sets the snap increment of the specified viewport object.  
Controls the isometric snap style for the specified viewport object.  
Sets the snap IsoPair of this viewport object.  
Controls the snap mode for the specified viewport object.  
Controls UCS follow mode for the specified viewport object.
Controls the UCS icon display at the UCS orgin for the specified viewport object.  
Controls the UCS icon visibility for the specified viewport object.
Controls activation of the UCS that is associated with the specified viewport object when the viewport object is activated.
Returns the UCS snap angle for the specified viewport object.  
Returns the UCS snap base point of the specified viewport object.  
Returns the snap increment of the specified viewport object.  
Returns the snap IsoPair of this viewport object.  
This is viewExtents, a member of class OdDbAbstractViewportDataForDbViewTabRec. 
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