API Reference > OdDb Classes > OdDbSubDMesh Class
OdDbSubDMesh Class
class OdDbSubDMesh : public OdDbEntity;


This class represents SubDMesh entities in an OdDbDatabase instance.



Default constructor. 
Clears an array of vertex colors.
Clears an array of vertex normals.
Clears an array of vertex textures.
Calculates an array of indexes of all faces of current SubDMash entity that are intersected by a specified ray. Also the method returns two additional arrays containing the intersection points for each face and distances between the start point of the ray and intersection points.
Calculates the current surface area of a mesh.
Calculates the current volume of a watertight mesh.
Creates a new OdDb3dSolid object from this mesh.
This is the overview for the convertToSurface method overload. 
Determines the behavior for custom objects when saving to .dwg or .dxf file.
Reads the .dwg file data of this object.
Writes the .dwg file data of this object.
Reads the DXF data of this object.
Writes the DXF data of this object.
Extrudes connected faces along the given direction and with a given taper angle.
This is the overview for the extrudeFaces method overload. 
Retrieves subentities adjacent to a given one.
This is the overview for the getCrease method overload. 
Retrieves the base level edges.
Retrieves the base level faces.
Retrieves the face plane of a given face.
Calculates normals for all vertices of current SubDMash entity.
Retrieves the faces for a smoothened mesh.
Calculates normals for all vertices of current SubDMash entity taking into account the level of smoothing.
This is the overview for the getSubDividedVertexAt method overload. 
Retrieves the vertices for a smoothened mesh.
Retrieves the color of a given subentity.
Retrieves the material of a given subentity.
Retrieves the material mapper of a subentity.
Retrieves all subentity paths by specified index and subentity type.
This is the overview for the getVertexAt method overload. 
Retrieves an array of vertex colors.
Retrieves an array of normals for vertices.
Retrieves an array of texture coordinates.
Retrieves the base level vertices.
Checks whether a mesh is watertight.
Inverts the vertex order of each face.
Retrieves the number of edges for base level.
parm result [out] Number of edges for base level. 0 if mesh hasn't been initialized yet.  
Retrieves the number of faces for base level.
Retrieves the number of faces with current level of smoothness.
Retrieves the number of smooth faces for given base mesh faces.
Retrieves the number of vertices with current level of smoothness.
Retrieves the number of vertices for base level.
This is ODDB_DECLARE_MEMBERS, a member of class OdDbSubDMesh. 
Creates a mesh of a box.
Creates a mesh of a cone.
This is the overview for the setCrease method overload. 
Creates a mesh of a cylinder.
Creates a mesh of a pyramid.
Creates a mesh of a sphere.
Creates a mesh using input arrays of vertices and faces.
Sets the color of a given subentity.
Sets the material of a given subentity.
Sets the material mapper of a subentity.
Creates a mesh of a torus.
This is the overview for the setVertexAt method overload. 
Sets an array of vertex colors.
Sets an array of vertex normals.
Sets an array of texture coordinates.
Creates a mesh of a wedge.
Cuts a face in two using two points on different edges of the original face.
Decreases smoothness level by one.
Increases smoothness level by one.
Retrieves the current level of smoothness.
This is the overview for the subdRefine method overload. 
Explodes this entity into a set of simpler entities.
Calculates geometrical extents of this object by vertices coordinates.
Gets all graphic system markers by subentity paths.
Gets all subentity paths by graphic system marker.
Sets the values of this object's subentity traits, and returns with the calling object's subentity traits.
Applies the specified 3D transformation matrix to this entity.
Draws OdDbSubDMesh to the specified OdGiWorldDraw object.
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