API Reference > OdDb Classes > OdDbSubDMesh Class > OdDbSubDMesh Methods > OdDbSubDMesh::convertToSolid Method
OdDbSubDMesh::convertToSolid Method
OdResult convertToSolid(bool bConvertAsSmooth, bool optimize, OdDb3dSolidPtr& pSolid) const;
bool bConvertAsSmooth 
[in] true for converting to smooth surface, false - for converting to faceted surface.  
bool optimize 
[in] true for converting as optimized surface, false - otherwise.  
OdDb3dSolidPtr& pSolid 
[out] Pointer to the newly created OdDb3dSolid object. 
  • eNotImplementedYet - if method is not implemented yet for current modeler.
  • eInvalidContext - if the mesh is empty.
  • eInvalidInput - if mesh has self-intersections or zero area faces or mesh does not form a closed volume.
  • eOk - if 3dSolid created successfully.

Creates a new OdDb3dSolid object from this mesh. 


Mesh should not have self-intersections and zero area faces and should form a closed volume. Case when bConvertAsSmooth == true or optimize == true is not implemented yet.

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