API Reference > OdDb Classes > OdDbSubDMesh Class > OdDbSubDMesh Methods > OdDbSubDMesh::splitFace Method
OdDbSubDMesh::splitFace Method
OdResult splitFace(const OdDbSubentId& subentFaceId, const OdDbSubentId& subent0, const OdGePoint3d& point0, const OdDbSubentId& subent1, const OdGePoint3d& point1);
const OdDbSubentId& subentFaceId 
[in] Id of the face that will be cut.  
const OdDbSubentId& subent0 
[in] First edge.  
const OdGePoint3d& point0 
[in] Point on the first edge.  
const OdDbSubentId& subent1 
[in] Second edge.  
const OdGePoint3d& point1 
[in] Point on the second edge.  

eOk if the operation completed successfully, or an appropriate error code otherwise.

Cuts a face in two using two points on different edges of the original face. 


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