API Reference > OdDb Classes > OdDbSubDMesh Class > OdDbSubDMesh Methods > OdDbSubDMesh::getSubDividedNormalArray Method
OdDbSubDMesh::getSubDividedNormalArray Method
OdResult getSubDividedNormalArray(OdGeVector3dArray& normalArray) const;
OdGeVector3dArray& normalArray 
[out] Array of normals. 

A value of the OdResult type containing the result of the method execution.

Calculates normals for all vertices of current SubDMash entity taking into account the level of smoothing. 


The normal for a vertex is calculated as the average of all normals for the faces that include the vertex. This method takes into account the level of smoothness, which can take any value from 0 to 4.

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