API Reference > OdDb Classes > OdDbSubDMesh Class > OdDbSubDMesh Methods > OdDbSubDMesh::setWedge Method
OdDbSubDMesh::setWedge Method
OdResult setWedge(double xLen, double yLen, double zLen, OdInt32 divLength, OdInt32 divWidth, OdInt32 divHeight, OdInt32 divSlope, OdInt32 divCap, OdInt32 subDLevel);
double xLen 
[in] Wedge depth.  
double yLen 
[in] Wedge width.  
double zLen 
[in] Wedge height.  
OdInt32 divLength 
[in] Specifies how many divisions will be made along the depth direction.  
OdInt32 divWidth 
[in] Specifies how many divisions will be made along the width direction.  
OdInt32 divHeight 
[in] Specifies how many divisions will be made along the height direction.  
OdInt32 divSlope 
[in] Specifies how many divisions will be made along the slope direction.  
OdInt32 divCap 
[in] Specifies how many radial divisions will be made for the base face.  
OdInt32 subDLevel 
[in] Level of smoothness.  

eOk if the operation completed successfully, or an appropriate error code otherwise.

Creates a mesh of a wedge. 


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