API Reference > OdDb Classes > OdDb3dSolid Class
OdDb3dSolid Class
class OdDb3dSolid : public OdDbEntity;


This class represents 3D Solid entities in an OdDbDatabase instance.

An OdDb3dSolid entity is a wrapper for an ACIS model that represents the geometry of the OdDb3dSolid entity. 



This is OdDb3dSolid, a member of class OdDb3dSolid. 
Reads the ACIS data for this entity from the specified StreamBuf object.
Writes the ACIS data of this entity to the specified StreamBuf object.
Returns contained modeler geometry of this entity. 
Performs a Boolean operation between this solid and another solid object.
Returns the boundary representation of the 3D solid entity.  
Creates chamfers at the edges of a solid.
Checks whether the solid interferes with another solid object.
Removes all edges and faces that are not needed for supporting the topology of the solid.
Converts individual history items from a parameterized type to a simple boundary-representation without its parameter or type information.
Copies the specified edge as a separate entity (instance of OdDbLine, OdDbCircle, OdDbArc, OdDbEllipse, OdDbSpline class).
Copies the specified face as a separate entity (OdDbRegion or otherwise will be OdDbBody).
Creates a WCS aligned solid box centered about the world origin.
This is the overview for the createExtrudedSolid method overload. 
Creates a 3D solid from the specified entity.
Creates a WCS aligned frustum centered about the world origin.
Creates a lofted solid from the given curves.
Creates a pyramid. World origin is centered about the base of the pyramid and the pyramid is positioned at half of the specified height above the world origin.
This is the overview for the createRevolvedSolid method overload. 
Creates a solid by trimming and (or) extending the specified surfaces and 3D solids, forming an enclosed volume.
Creates a sphere centered about the world origin with the specified radius.
This is the overview for the createSweptSolid method overload. 
Creates a WCS aligned torus centered about the world origin and the Z-axis as its axis of rotation.
Creates a WCS aligned wedge centered about the world origin.
Determines the behavior for custom objects when saving to .dwg or .dxf file.
Reads the .dwg file data of this object.
This is DWGMAP_DECLARE_MEMBERS, a member of class OdDb3dSolid. 
Writes the .dwg file data of this object.
Reads the DXF data of this object.
Writes the DXF data of this object.
Creates a solid by extruding the specified region to the specified height and with specified taper angle.
Creates a solid by extruding a region along a path curve.
Extrudes faces of the solid with specified distance and taper angle.
Extrudes specified faces along the specified path determined by a curve entity.
Creates rounded fillets on the edges of a solid.
Calculates the area of the solid.
This is getFaceMesh, a member of class OdDb3dSolid. 
Returns volume properties of the solid.
Creates a DbRegion entity as a result of the intersection between the specified plane and the solid.
This is the overview for the getSlice method overload. 
Returns the color of the specified subentity.
Returns the material of the specified subentity.
Returns current material mapper for the specified subentity.
Intersects the given entity with the solid and imprints their intersection graph onto the solid.
This is internalSubentId, a member of class OdDb3dSolid. 
This is internalSubentPtr, a member of class OdDb3dSolid. 
Returns true if and only if there is no ACIS model associated with this entity. 
Returns the number of changes occurred since the solid's creation. 
Offsets all faces by the specified distance.
Offsets the specified faces of the solid for the specified distance.
Creates non-database resident entities by projecting the specified entity along the projection direction to the solid.
Returns whether the solid records its operations history. 
Removes the specified faces from the solid.
Creates a solid by revolving the specified region around the axis. Axis is specified with a point and vector. Revolution can be produced with an angle.
Creates a geometric representation of the entity for saving proxy graphics or converting to previous formats.
Separates the solid into an array of solids representing the additional disjoint volumes. This solid is reduced to a solid with one volume.
Directly sets the contained modeler geometry of this entity.
Sets a new value for the flag that determines whether the solid records its operation history.
Sets a new value for the flag that determines whether to draw items from the solid's operation history.
Sets the color of the specified face or edge subentity.
Sets a material for the specified subentity.
Sets an explicit material mapper for the specified subentity.
Transforms the solid into a thin-walled solid shell by offsetting faces.
Returns whether to draw items from the solid's operation history. 
This is the overview for the stlOut method overload. 
This method is not implemented. 
This is subExplode, a member of class OdDb3dSolid. 
This is subGetGeomExtents, a member of class OdDb3dSolid. 
This is subGetGsMarkersAtSubentPath, a member of class OdDb3dSolid. 
This is subGetSubentPathsAtGsMarker, a member of class OdDb3dSolid. 
Sets the values of this object's subentity traits, and returns with the calling object's subentity traits.
This is subSubentPtr, a member of class OdDb3dSolid. 
This is subTransformBy, a member of class OdDb3dSolid. 
This is subViewportDraw, a member of class OdDb3dSolid. 
This is subWorldDraw, a member of class OdDb3dSolid. 
Tapers the specified faces about the specified base point and draft vector for a specified draft angle.
Transforms the specified faces of a solid by applying the transformation matrix for rotation and (or) moving the faces.
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