API Reference > OdDb Classes > OdDb3dSolid Class > OdDb3dSolid Methods > OdDb3dSolid::taperFaces Method
OdDb3dSolid::taperFaces Method
virtual OdResult taperFaces(const OdArray<OdDbSubentId *> & faceSubentIds, const OdGePoint3d & basePoint, const OdGeVector3d & draftVector, double draftAngle);
const OdArray<OdDbSubentId *> & faceSubentIds 
[in] Array of faces' subentity IDs. Faces with specified IDs will be tapered.  
const OdGePoint3d & basePoint 
[in] Reference to the base point of the draft plane.  
const OdGeVector3d & draftVector 
[in] Reference to the draft direction vector.  
double draftAngle 
[in] Draft angle in radians.

Returns eOk if successful or an appropriate error code in other case.

Tapers the specified faces about the specified base point and draft vector for a specified draft angle. 


The base point and draft vector define a draft plane about which faces are tapered. If a face is lying in the draft plane, it will not be modified. 

Tapering faces can cause the solid to become invalid in some cases. 

This method is implemented only for Spatial modeler and returns eNotImplementedYet status for other modelers.

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