API Reference > OdDb Classes > OdDb3dSolid Class > OdDb3dSolid Methods > OdDb3dSolid::getMassProp Method
OdDb3dSolid::getMassProp Method
virtual OdResult getMassProp(double& volume, OdGePoint3d& centroid, double momInertia[3], double prodInertia[3], double prinMoments[3], OdGeVector3d prinAxes[3], double radiiGyration[3], OdGeExtents3d& extents) const;
double& volume 
[out] A reference for returning the volume of the solid.  
OdGePoint3d& centroid 
[out] A reference to an OdGePoint3d object for returning the point, representing the centroid of the solid.  
double momInertia[3] 
[out] A static array for returning X, Y, Z moments of inertia of the solid.  
double prodInertia[3] 
[out] A static array for returning X, Y, Z products of inertia of the solid.  
double prinMoments[3] 
[out] A static array for returning X, Y, Z principal moments of the solid.  
OdGeVector3d prinAxes[3] 
[out] A static array for returning an OdGeVector3d object, determining principal axes of the solid.  
double radiiGyration[3] 
[out] A static array for returning X, Y, Z radii of gyration of the solid.  
OdGeExtents3d& extents 
[out] A reference to an OdGeExtents3d object for returning the bounding box of the solid.

Returns the result of getting volume properties of the solid: eOk if successful or an appropriate error code in other case. All properties are evaluated in the WCS.

Returns volume properties of the solid. 


This method is implemented only for Spatial modeler and returns eNotImplementedYet status for other modelers.

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