API Reference > OdDb Classes > OdDbObjectReactor Class
OdDbObjectReactor Class
class OdDbObjectReactor : public OdRxObject;


This class is the base class for custom classes that receive notification of OdDbObject events.

The default implementations of all methods in this class do nothing but return.



Not called. 
Notification function called whenever the notifying object has had its clone() member function called.
Notification function called whenever an object has been erased or unerased.
Returns the first transient reactor of the specified class that is attached to the specified object.
Notification function called just before an object is deleted from memory.
Notification function called whenever an object is opened OdDb::kForWrite, a function has been called that could modify the contents of this object, and this object is now being closed.
Notification function called whenever an object derived from OdDbEntity is modified.
Notification function called whenever the XData has been written to the notifying object.
Notification function called whenever the notifying object is in the midst an Undo operation that is undoing modifications.
Notification function called immediately before an object is closed.
This is ODRX_DECLARE_MEMBERS, a member of class OdDbObjectReactor. 
Notification function called whenever an object is opened for modify OdDb::kForWrite.
Notification function called whenever a Redo process processes the reappending of the notifying object to the database.
Notification function called whenever a method of the specified subobject has called assertWriteEnabled()
Notification function called whenever the Undo process processes the appending of the notifying object to the database.
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