API Reference > OdDb Classes > OdDbSpatialFilter Class
OdDbSpatialFilter Class
class OdDbSpatialFilter : public OdDbFilter;


This class implements Spatial Filter objects in an OdDbDatabase instance.

Spatial Filter objects are extruded volumes based on a 2D boundary, an extrusion direction, and front and back clipping distances. 

They implement Xref clipping boundaries.



This is OdDbSpatialFilter, a member of class OdDbSpatialFilter. 
Returns the back clipping distance for this Spatial Filter object. 
Returns true if and only if back clipping is enabled for this Spatial Filter object. 
Returns the boundary defintion of this Spatial Filter object.
Returns true if and only if the specified extents intersect the clip boundary of the Spatial Filter object. 
Reads the .dwg file data of this object.
Writes the .dwg file data of this object.
Reads the DXF data of this object.
Writes the DXF data of this object.
Returns the front clipping distance for this Spatial Filter object. 
Returns true if and only if front clipping is enabled for this Spatial Filter object. 
This is generateClipBoundaryFromPline, a member of class OdDbSpatialFilter. 
This is getClipSpaceToWCSMatrix, a member of class OdDbSpatialFilter. 
This is the overview for the getDefinition method overload. 
This is getOriginalInverseBlockXform, a member of class OdDbSpatialFilter. 
Returns the clip boundary definition of this Spatial Filter object.
Returns true if and only if setPerspectiveCamera() has been called for this Spatial Filter object. 
Returns the class descriptor of the OdDbIndex for this Filter object. 
Returns true if and only if the clip volume for this Spatial Filter object is enabled. 
TD Special : 
Returns the WCS positive extrusion vector of this Spatial Filter object. 
This is ODDB_DECLARE_MEMBERS, a member of class OdDbSpatialFilter. 
Returns the WCS origin of this Spatial Filter object. 
Returns clip boundary extents.
This is the overview for the setDefinition method overload. 
This is setFilterInverted, a member of class OdDbSpatialFilter. 
Sets the perspective camera position of this Spatial Filter object.
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