API Reference > OdDb Classes > OdDbSectionSettings Class
OdDbSectionSettings Class
class OdDbSectionSettings : public OdDbObject;


This class represent section plane settings.

Constructor. Sets default values to fields. 
Generation properties for section generation. 
Defines geometry properties for section generation. 
Defines section types for section generation. 
Returns color of the specified geometry.
Returns an enum value stating the current section type. 
Returns ID of a block that will be replaced after section, if generation option is set to kDestinationReplaceBlock.
Returns the name of the file to which the generated section will be saved, if the generation option is set to kDestinationFile.
Checks if division lines are visible for the specified geometry.
Reads the .dwg file data of this object.
Writes the .dwg file data of this object.
Reads the DXF data of this object.
Writes the DXF data of this object.
Returns edge transparency value of the specified geometry.  
Returns face transparency value of the specified geometry.
Returns an enum value stating the current generation options for specified section type.
Retrieves hatch pattern and its name from the specified geometry.
Returns an array of source objects for kSourceSelectedObjects section type.
Returns the hatch angle value of the specified geometry.
Returns the hatch scale value of the specified geometry.
Returns the hatch spacing value of the specified geometry.
Checks if the hatch is visible in the specified geometry.
Checks if hidden lines are visible for the specified geometry.
Returns the name of the layer of the specified geometry.
Returns the linetype of the specified geometry.
Returns the linetype scale of the specified geometry.
Returns the line weight of the specified geometry.
Returns the plot style name of the specified geometry.
This is the overview for the reset method overload. 
Sets color of the specified geometry.
Sets an enum value stating the current section type. 
Sets ID of a block that will be replaced after section, if the generation option is set to kDestinationReplaceBlock.
Sets the name of the file to which the generated section will be saved, if the generation option is set to kDestinationFile.
Sets the division lines visibility flag for this geometry.
Sets edge transparency value of the specified geometry.  
Sets face transparency value of the specified geometry.
Sets an enum value stating the current generation options.
Sets the hatch angle value of the specified geometry.
Sets hatch pattern and its name to the specified geometry.
Sets the hatch scale value of the specified geometry.
Sets the hatch spacing value of the specified geometry.
Sets the hatch visibility flag for the specified geometry.
Sets the hidden lines visibility flag for this geometry.
Sets the name of the layer of the specified geometry.
Sets the linetype of the specified geometry.
Sets the linetype scale of the specified geometry.
Sets the line weight of the specified geometry.
Sets the plot style name of the specified geometry.
Sets an array of source objects for kSourceSelectedObjects section type.
Sets a visibility flag of the specified geometry.
Checks if the specified geometry is visible.
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