API Reference > OdDb Classes > OdDbSectionSettings Class > OdDbSectionSettings Methods > OdDbSectionSettings::setLinetypeScale Method
OdDbSectionSettings::setLinetypeScale Method
void setLinetypeScale(OdDbSectionSettings::SectionType nSecType, OdDbSectionSettings::Geometry nGeometry, double fScale);
OdDbSectionSettings::SectionType nSecType 
[in] Section type.  
OdDbSectionSettings::Geometry nGeometry 
[in] Geometry, which linetype scale will be set.  
double fScale 
[in] Linetype scale value to set. 

Sets the linetype scale of the specified geometry. 


Possible section types are:

kLiveSection - 0x1, 
k2dSection - 0x2, 
k3dSection - 0x4 

Possible geometries are:

kIntersectionBoundary - 0x1, 
kIntersectionFill - 0x2, 
kBackgroundGeometry - 0x4, 
kForegroundGeometry - 0x8, 
kCurveTangencyLines - 0x10 
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