API Reference > OdDb Classes > OdDbSectionViewStyle Class
OdDbSectionViewStyle Class
class OdDbSectionViewStyle : public OdDbModelDocViewStyle;


This class represents detail view style objects. 

Corresponding C++ library: TD_Db

This is ~OdDbSectionViewStyle, a member of class OdDbSectionViewStyle. 
Default constructor. Creates an OdDbSectionViewStyle instance. 
Defines section view symbol arrowhead direction. 
Defines identifier position types. 
Returns the object ID of the arrow end symbol. 
Returns arrow position type for this OdDbSectionViewStyle object as an OdDbSectionViewStyle::ArrowDirection value. 
Returns the object ID of the arrow start symbol. 
Returns the arrow symbol's color. 
Returns the arrow symbol's extension length. 
Returns the arrow symbol's size. 
Returns the bend line's color. 
Returns the bend line's length. 
Returns the object ID of the bend line's linetype. 
Returns the bend line's lineweight. 
Returns the end line's length. 
Returns the end line's overshoot value. 
Returns the view label's pattern.
pField (Optional) If the pattern uses fields, they are copied 'pField'. 
Returns the hatch's angle array as a pointer to an OdGeDoubleArray object. 
Returns the hatch's background color. 
Returns the hatch's color. 
Returns the hatch pattern. 
Returns the hatch's scale. 
Returns the hatch's transparency as an OdCmTransparency object. 
Returns the identifier's color. 
Returns the excluded characters that are specified for the identifier. 
Returns the identifier's height. 
Returns the object ID of the style assigned to the identifier. 
Returns whether continuous labeling is enabled. 
This is ODDB_DECLARE_MEMBERS, a member of class OdDbSectionViewStyle. 
Returns the plane line's color. 
Returns the object ID of the plane line's linetype. 
Returns the plane line's lineweight. 
OdDbModelDocViewStyle overridden functions 
Sets the arrow end symbol to use a specified block. 
Sets section view symbol arrowhead direction for this OdDbSectionViewStyle object.
Sets the arrow start symbol to use a specified block. 
Sets the arrow symbol's color. 
Sets the arrow symbol's extension length. 
Sets the arrow symbol's size. 
Sets the bend line's color. 
Sets the bend line's length. 
Sets the bend line's linetype. 
Sets the bend line's lineweight. 
Sets whether continuous labeling is enabled or disabled.
Sets the end line's length. 
Sets the end line's overshoot value.
Sets the hatch's angle array.
Sets the hatch's background color. 
Sets the hatch's color. 
Sets the hatch pattern. 
Sets the hatch's scale. 
Sets the hatch's transparency.
Sets the identifier's color. 
Sets the characters to exclude for the identifier.
str Characters to exclude, each separated by a comma. 
Sets the identifier's height. 
Sets the identifier's text style.
ObjectId The ID of the text style for the identifier. 
Sets the plane line's color. 
Sets the plane line's linetype according to the linetype's object ID. 
Sets the plane line's lineweight. 
Sets whether identifiers at all bends are shown or not.
Sets whether plane lines are shown or not.
Sets whether arrowheads are shown or not.
Sets whether end lines and bend lines are shown or not.
Sets whether hatches are shown or not.
Sets whether view labels are shown or not.
Sets view identifier offset.
Sets view identifier position type.
Sets the view label's text alignment. 
Sets the view label's attachment point. 
Sets the view label's offset. 
Sets the view label's pattern.
pattern Pattern to assign to the view label. pField (Optional) Specify a field to assign the pattern from the field (instead of the pattern itself). 
Sets the view label's color. 
Sets the view label's text height. 
Sets the view label's text style. 
Returns whether identifiers at all bends of the cutting plane lines display. 
Returns whether plane lines display. 
Returns whether arrowheads display. 
Returns whether end lines and bend lines display. 
Returns whether hatches display. 
Returns whether view labels display. 
Returns view identifier offset as a double value. 
Returns view identifier position as an OdDbSectionViewStyle::IdentifierPosition value. 
Returns the view label's text alignment. 
Returns the view label's attachment point. 
Returns the view label's offset. 
Returns the view label's pattern. 
Returns the view label's color. 
Returns the view label's text height. 
Returns the object ID of the view label's text style. 
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