API Reference > OdDb Classes > OdDbSubentityOverrule Class
OdDbSubentityOverrule Class
class OdDbSubentityOverrule : public OdRxOverrule;


This class overrules a subset of subentity linked operations which an entity specifies. It is used as a base class for classes derived from OdDbEntity to change their behavior. Each default implementation calls the corresponding method of the target class. 

Corresponding C++ library: TD_Db

Constructor creates an instance of this class. 
Overrules OdDbEntity::subAddSubentPaths() method and calls it in the default implementation. This method returns eOk if successful.
Overrules OdDbEntity::subDeleteSubentPaths() method and calls it in the default implementation. This method returns eOk if successful.
Overrules the OdDbEntity::subGetCompoundObjectTransform() method and calls it in the default implementation. This method returns eOk if successful.
Overrules OdDbEntity::subGetGripPointsAtSubentPath() method and calls it in the default implementation. This method returns eOk if successful.
Overrules the OdDbEntity::subGetGsMarkersAtSubentPath() method and calls it in the default implementation. This method returns eOk if successful.
Overrules OdDbEntity::subGetSubentClassId() method and calls it in the default implementation. This method returns eOk if successful.
Overrules OdDbEntity::subGetSubentPathGeomExtents() method and calls it in the default implementation. This method returns eOk if successful.
Overrules the OdDbEntity::subGetSubentPathsAtGsMarker() method and calls it in the default implementation. This method returns eOk if successful.
Overrules OdDbEntity::subMoveGripPointsAtSubentPaths() method and calls it in the default implementation. This method returns eOk if successful.
This is ODRX_DECLARE_MEMBERS, a member of class OdDbSubentityOverrule. 
Overrules OdDbEntity::subentGripStatus() method and calls it in the default implementation. This method returns eOk if successful.
Overrules the OdDbEntity::subentPtr() method and calls it in the default implementation. This method returns a smart pointer to the subentity if successful.
Overrules OdDbEntity::subTransformSubentPathsBy() method and calls it in the default implementation. This method returns eOk if successful.
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