API Reference > OdDb Classes > OdDbSubentityOverrule Class > OdDbSubentityOverrule Methods > OdDbSubentityOverrule::getSubentPathGeomExtents Method
OdDbSubentityOverrule::getSubentPathGeomExtents Method
virtual OdResult getSubentPathGeomExtents(const OdDbEntity* pSubject, const OdDbFullSubentPath& path, OdGeExtents3d& extents);
const OdDbEntity* pSubject 
[in] A raw pointer to an entity.  
const OdDbFullSubentPath& path 
[in] A full subentity path object identifying the subentity.  
OdGeExtents3d& extents 
[out] An extents object in which subentity extents should be saved. 

Overrules OdDbEntity::subGetSubentPathGeomExtents() method and calls it in the default implementation. This method returns eOk if successful. 


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