API Reference > OdDb Classes > OdDbGraph Class
OdDbGraph Class
class OdDbGraph;


This class implements generic graph objects.

A graph consists of a collection of nodes bi-directionally linked by directional edges. 

An edge connected to a node is represented as a pointer or reference to the node at the other end of the edge. 

References are classified as either incoming or outgoing. Every incoming reference has a corresponding outgoing reference and vice versa. 

Each GraphNode object can have any number of references associated with it, enabling the implementation of any graph structure.

  • OdDbGraphNode
  • OdDbGraphStack
  • OdDbXrefGraph
  • OdDbXrefGraphNode


Corresponding C++ library: TD_Db

This is ~OdDbGraph, a member of class OdDbGraph. 
This is OdDbGraph, a member of class OdDbGraph. 
Adds the specified edge to this Graph object.
Adds the specifed GraphNode object to this Graph object.
Clears the specified set flag bits in the GraphNode objects of this Graph object.
Removes the specified node from this GraphNode object, and all references to it.
Finds the cyclical nodes for this Graph object.  
Adds to the specified array, the nested outgoing GraphNode objects from the specified GraphNode objects.  
Returns true if and only if this Graph object is empty. 
Returns the specified GraphNode object of this Graph object.
Returns the specified incoming reference of this Graph object.
Removes all nodes and cycle nodes from this Graph object. 
Returns the root (first) GraphNode object of this Graph object. 
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