API Reference > OdDb Classes > OdGiContextForDbDatabase Class
OdGiContextForDbDatabase Class
class OdGiContextForDbDatabase : public OdGiDefaultContext;


This class defines the operations and properties that are used in the vectorization of an OdDbDatabase. 

Corresponding C++ library: TD_Db 


This is ~OdGiContextForDbDatabase, a member of class OdGiContextForDbDatabase. 
Controls rendering anti-aliasing. 
This is circleZoomPercent, a member of class OdGiContextForDbDatabase. 
This is commonLinetypeScale, a member of class OdGiContextForDbDatabase. 
This is database, a member of class OdGiContextForDbDatabase. 
This is defaultLineWeight, a member of class OdGiContextForDbDatabase. 
Controls the kDisableLayoutHelperLinkReactors flag of this Context Object.  
This is displaySilhouettes, a member of class OdGiContextForDbDatabase. 
This is drawableFilterFunction, a member of class OdGiContextForDbDatabase. 
This is drawableFilterFunctionId, a member of class OdGiContextForDbDatabase. 
Controls behavior of ModelSpace lineweights.  
Controls the kManageContextualColors flag of this Context Object.  
Controls the GsModel flag of this Context Object.  
Controls the kKeepPSLayoutHelperView flag of this Context Object.  
Returns true if and only if the kErasePSLayoutHelperView flag of this Context Object is set. 
This is fadingIntensityPercentage, a member of class OdGiContextForDbDatabase. 
Initialize contextual colors container by contextual colors values.  
Returns the OdGsClientViewInfo for the specified viewport.  
Returns true if and only if shell/mesh geometry primitives should be filled during this vectorization. 
Returns true if and only if filling of TrueType fonts is enabled. 
Returns true if Sortents table should be always taken into account (even in explode operation). 
Returns the database that is currently being vectorized. 
This is getDefaultTextStyle, a member of class OdGiContextForDbDatabase. 
Returns an interface for access section geometry functionality. 
Returns the OdDbStub for the specified handle id.  
This is getStubByMaterialId, a member of class OdGiContextForDbDatabase. 
This is getStubByMatName, a member of class OdGiContextForDbDatabase. 
Returns SolidHatchAsPolygonMode set for this Context Object. 
This is imageQuality, a member of class OdGiContextForDbDatabase. 
Returns current behavior of ModelSpace lineweights. 
Returns true if and only the kManageContextualColors flag of this Context Object is set. 
Returns current state of display silhouettes forcing mode. 
Returns true if and only if the kKeepPSLayoutHelperView flag of this Context Object is set. 
Returns true if and only the kDisableLayoutHelperLinkReactors flag of this Context Object is set. 
Returns true if and only the PlotGeneration flag of this Context Object is set. 
Returns true if and only the kOdGiZeroTextNormals flag of this Context Object is set. 
Loads the specified plot style table for this Context object.  
This is numberOfIsolines, a member of class OdGiContextForDbDatabase. 
This is ODRX_DECLARE_MEMBERS, a member of class OdGiContextForDbDatabase. 
This is openDrawable, a member of class OdGiContextForDbDatabase. 
Returns the palette background color for this Context object. 
This is the overview for the plotStyle method overload. 
Returns the plot style type for this Context object. 
This is quickTextMode, a member of class OdGiContextForDbDatabase. 
Sets the database to be vectorized.
Controls the kErasePSLayoutHelperView flag of this Context Object.  
Sets current state of display silhouettes forcing mode.  
Controls SolidHatchAsPolygonMode of this Context Object.  
Sets the palette background color for this Context object.  
Controls the PlotGeneration flag of this Context Object.  
Enables TrueType text contours info output.  
Enables TrueType use triangle cache  
Controls the ZeroTextNormals flag of this Context Object.  
This is textQuality, a member of class OdGiContextForDbDatabase. 
This is ttfPolyDraw, a member of class OdGiContextForDbDatabase. 
Update view contextual colors after view changes.  
Returns true if and only the GsModel flag of this Context Object is set.. 
This is useTtfTriangleCache, a member of class OdGiContextForDbDatabase. 
Controls Xref properties overriding. 
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