API Reference > OdDb Classes > OdDbDetailViewStyle Class
OdDbDetailViewStyle Class
class OdDbDetailViewStyle : public OdDbModelDocViewStyle;


This class represents detail view style object. 

Corresponding C++ library: TD_Db

This is ~OdDbDetailViewStyle, a member of class OdDbDetailViewStyle. 
Default constructor. Creates an OdDbDetailViewStyle instance. 
Defines the identifier placement inside the detail view symbol. 
Defines the edge type of the detail view symbol boundary. 
Returns the arrow symbol's color. 
Returns the arrow symbol's object ID. 
Returns the arrow symbol's size. 
Returns the border line's color. 
Returns the object ID of the border line's linetype. 
Returns the border line's lineweight. 
Returns the boundary line's color. 
Returns the object ID of the boundary line's linetype. 
Returns the boundary line's lineweight. 
Returns the connection line's color. 
Returns the object ID of the connection line's linetype. 
Returns the connection line's lineweight. 
Returns the view label's pattern.
pField If the pattern uses fields, they are copied 'pField'. 
Returns the identifier's color. 
Returns the identifier's text height. 
Returns the identifier's offset between its arrow line and extension line. 
Returns the placement for the label and identifier. 
Returns the object ID of the identifier's text style. 
Returns label and model edge. 
This is ODDB_DECLARE_MEMBERS, a member of class OdDbDetailViewStyle. 
OdDbModelDocViewStyle overridden functions 
Sets the arrow symbol's color. 
Sets the arrow symbol's block. 
Sets the arrow symbol's size. 
Sets the border line's color. 
Sets the border line's linetype. 
Sets the border line's lineweight. 
Sets the boundary line's color. 
Sets the boundary line's linetype. 
Sets the boundary line's lineweight. 
Sets the connection line's color. 
Sets the connection line's linetype. 
Sets the connection line's lineweight. 
Sets the identifier's color.
Sets the identifier's text height.
Sets the identifier's offset between its arrow line and extension line. 
Sets the placement for the label and identifier.
Sets the identifier's text style.
Sets the placement of labels and identifiers. 
This is setShowArrows, a member of class OdDbDetailViewStyle. 
This is setShowViewLabel, a member of class OdDbDetailViewStyle. 
Sets the view label's text alignment. 
Sets the view label's attachment. 
Sets the view label's offset. 
Sets the view label's pattern.
pattern Pattern to assign to the view label. pField (Optional) Specify a field to assign the pattern from the field (instead of the pattern itself). 
Sets the view label's color. 
This is setViewLabelTextHeight, a member of class OdDbDetailViewStyle. 
Sets the view label's text style. 
Returns whether arrowheads display. 
Returns whether view label. 
Returns the view label's text alignment. 
Returns the view label's attachment. 
Returns the view label's offset. 
Returns the view label's pattern. 
Returns the view label's color. 
Returns the view label's text height. 
Returns the object ID of the view label's text style. 
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