API Reference > OdDb Classes > OdDbAbstractViewTableRecord Class
OdDbAbstractViewTableRecord Class
class OdDbAbstractViewTableRecord : public OdDbSymbolTableRecord;


This class is the base class for OdDbViewTableRecord and OdDbViewportTableRecord.



This is OdDbAbstractViewTableRecord, a member of class OdDbAbstractViewTableRecord. 
This is ambientLightColor, a member of class OdDbAbstractViewTableRecord. 
Returns the back clip distance of this View (DXF 44). 
Returns true if and only if back clipping is enabled for this View (DXF 71, bit 0x04). 
This is background, a member of class OdDbAbstractViewTableRecord. 
This is brightness, a member of class OdDbAbstractViewTableRecord. 
Returns the DSC center point of this View. 
This is contrast, a member of class OdDbAbstractViewTableRecord. 
Copies the contents of other into the messaged object, whenever feasible 
This is defaultLightingType, a member of class OdDbAbstractViewTableRecord. 
Returns a pointer to the OdGiDrawable for the object. If the object doesn't have an associated OdGiDrawable object, this function returns NULL. 
Reads the .dwg file data of this object.
Writes the .dwg file data of this object.
Returns the elevation of the UCS plane of this View (DXF 146). 
Returns true if and only if the front clipping plane plane passes through the camera (DXF 71, bit 0x10). 
Returns the front clip distance of this View (DXF 43). 
Returns true if and only if front clipping is enabled for this View (DXF 71, bit 0x02). 
Returns the origin, X-axis, and Y-Axis of the UCS associated with this Viewport object.
Returns the DCS height of this View (DXF 40). 
This is isDefaultLightingOn, a member of class OdDbAbstractViewTableRecord. 
Returns true if and only if the UCS associated with this View is orthographic with respect to UCSBASE (DXF 79).
Returns the perspective mode lens length (in mm) of this View (DXF 42). 
This is ODDB_DECLARE_MEMBERS, a member of class OdDbAbstractViewTableRecord. 
Returns true if and only if perspective is on for this View (DXF 70, bit 0x01). 
Returns the render mode of this View (DXF 281). 
This is setAmbientLightColor, a member of class OdDbAbstractViewTableRecord. 
Sets the back distance of this View (DXF 44).  
Controls back clipping for this view (DXF 71, bit 0x04).
This is setBackground, a member of class OdDbAbstractViewTableRecord. 
This is setBrightness, a member of class OdDbAbstractViewTableRecord. 
Sets the DCS center point of this View.  
This is setContrast, a member of class OdDbAbstractViewTableRecord. 
This is setDefaultLightingOn, a member of class OdDbAbstractViewTableRecord. 
This is setDefaultLightingType, a member of class OdDbAbstractViewTableRecord. 
Sets the elevation of the UCS plane of this View (DXF 146).  
Controls the front clipping plane passing through the camera (DXF 71, bit 0x10).
Sets the front clip distance of this View (DXF 43).  
Controls front clipping for this view (DXF 71, bit 0x02).
Sets the DCS height of this View (DXF 40).  
Sets the perspective mode lens length of this View (DXF 42).  
Controls perspective mode for this view (DXF 71, bit 0x01).
Sets the render mode of this View (DXF 281).  
This is setSun, a member of class OdDbAbstractViewTableRecord. 
Sets the WCS view target of this View.  
This is setToneOperatorParameters, a member of class OdDbAbstractViewTableRecord. 
This is the overview for the setUcs method overload. 
Sets the UCS associated with this View to the WCS. 
Sets the WCS view direction of this View.  
Sets the DCS twist angle of this View. 
This is setVisualStyle, a member of class OdDbAbstractViewTableRecord. 
Sets the DCS width of this View (DXF 41).
Sets the values of this object's subentity traits, and returns with the calling object's subentity traits.
This is sunId, a member of class OdDbAbstractViewTableRecord. 
Returns the WCS view target of this View. 
This is toneOperatorParameters, a member of class OdDbAbstractViewTableRecord. 
Returns the Object ID of the UCS associated with this View (DXF 345). 
Returns the WCS view direction of this View.  
Returns the DCS twist angle of this View. 
This is visualStyle, a member of class OdDbAbstractViewTableRecord. 
Returns the DCS width of this View (DXF 41). 
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