API Reference > OdDb Classes > OdDbTable Class
OdDbTable Class
class OdDbTable : public OdDbBlockReference;


This class represents table entities in an OdDbDatabase instance.



Default constructor. Creates an object of the OdDbTable class. 
Enumeration representing the table style overrides for an OdDbTable object. 
Returns the cell alignment for the specified cell in this table entity (DXF 170).
Appends this OdDbTable object to the specified owner object.
This is the overview for the attachmentPoint method overload. 
Returns the background color for the specified cell in this table entity (DXF 63).
This is the overview for the blockTableRecordId method overload. 
Returns table break flow direction of this table entity as an OdDb::TableBreakFlowDirection object. 
Returns the table break height of the specified table entity as an OdUInt32 value.
Returns table break offset of the specified table entity as an OdUInt32 value.
Returns the table break option of this table entity as an OdDb::TableBreakOption object. 
Returns the break spacing for this table entity. 
Checks if rows or columns can be deleted from the specified index.
Checks if new rows or columns can be inserted into the specified index. Returns true if rows or columns can be inserted.
Returns the cell state.
Returns the cell style as an OdString value. Use a valid row index and pass the column index '-1' to get the style for the row. Use a valid column index and pass the row index '-1' to get the style for the column.
Returns the cell style overrides for the specified cell in this table entity.
Returns the cell type of the specified cell in this table entity.
Clears the cell overrides for the specified cell in this table entity.
Clears the sub-selection set of cells from this table. 
Returns the width of the specified column in this table entity (DXF 142).
This is the overview for the contentColor method overload. 
Returns the content layout of the cell.
This is the overview for the contentType method overload. 
This is the overview for the copyFrom method overload. 
Creates additional content for the cell. Returns index of the created content.
This is createTemplate, a member of class OdDbTable. 
This is the overview for the dataFormat method overload. 
Deletes the specified number of columns from this table entity.
This is the overview for the deleteContent method overload. 
Deletes the specified number of rows from this table entity.
Returns the unit X-axis for this table entity in WCS coordinates (DXF 11, 21, 31). 
Reads the .dwg file data of this object.
Writes the .dwg file data of this object.
Reads the DXF data of this object.
Reads the DXF data of this object.
Enables or disables table breaking.
Sets the merge-all flag for the cell, row or column.
This is the overview for the fieldId method overload. 
Returns the direction that this table entity flows from its first row to its last (DXF 70). 
Updates this table entity according to its current table style. 
This is the overview for the getBlockAttributeValue method overload. 
Returns the cell extents for the specified cell in this table entity.
Returns the column name as an OdString value.
This is the overview for the getCustomData method overload. 
This is the overview for the getDataLink method overload. 
Returns the data link cell range that includes the specified row and column.
This is the overview for the getDataType method overload. 
Returns the formula at the specified content index of the cell as an object of the OdString class.
Returns the grid line property of the cell, row or column. Use a valid row index and pass the column index '-1' to get the row grid property. Use a valid column index and pass the row index '-1' to get the column grid property.
This is the overview for the getIterator method overload. 
Returns merge range of the cell as an object of the OdCellRange class. Returns invalid merge range if the cell is not part of the merge range.
This is the overview for the getOverride method overload. 
This is the overview for the getSubSelection method overload. 
This is getSubTablesInfo, a member of class OdDbTable. 
Returns the tooltip of the cell as an OdString value.
This is the overview for the gridColor method overload. 
Returns the grid double line spacing of the cell, row or column as a double value. Use a valid row index and pass the column index '-1' to get the row grid double line spacing. Use a valid column index and pass the row index '-1' to get the column grid double line spacing.
Returns the grid linestyle of a cell, row or column. Use a valid row index and pass the column index '-1' to get the row grid line style. Use a valid column index and pass the row index '-1' to get the column grid line style.
Returns the grid linetype of the cell, row or column. Use a valid row index and pass the column index '-1' to get the row grid linetype. Use a valid column index and pass the row index '-1' to get the column grid linetype.
This is the overview for the gridLineWeight method overload. 
This is the overview for the gridVisibility method overload. 
Checks if the cell has a formula.
Returns true if the table has a sub-selection set of cells, or returns false in the other case. 
Returns the overall height of this table entity. 
This is the overview for the hitTest method overload. 
Inserts the specified number of columns into this table entity at the specified column index.
Inserts columns at the specified index and inherits their format from the reference column.
Inserts the specified number of rows into this table entity at the specified row index.
Inserts rows at the specified index and inherits their format from the reference row.
Checks whether data in the cell is auto-scaled or not.
Returns true if and only if the background color for the specified cell is disabled for this table entity (DXF 283).
Returns true if the table break is enabled, or false otherwise. 
Returns the "editing content flag" cell property.
Returns the "empty flag" cell property.
Returns the "editing format flag" cell property.
Checks if a cell is linked to a data source.
Checks whether the merge-all flag is enabled for the cell, row or column.
Returns true if and only if the specified cell has been merged, and returns the range of the merged cells in this table entity.
Returns true if regeneration of the table block is disabled. Otherwise, returns false. 
Returns the margin of the cell, row or column as a double value. Use a valid row index and pass the column index '-1' to get the margin for the row. Use a valid column index and pass the row index '-1' to get the margin for the column.
Merges a rectangular region of cells in this table entity.
Returns cell property "merged flag". The first cell has a value equal false. Next cells have a value equal to true.
Returns cell property "merged height". The first cell may have a value > 1. Next cells have a value equal 1.
Returns cell property "merged width". The first cell may have a value > 1. Next cells have a value equal 1.
Returns the minimum column width for the specified column in this table entity.
Returns the minimum row height for the specified row in this table entity.
Returns the minimum overall height for this table entity. 
Returns the minimum overall width for this table entity. 
virtual void objectClosed(const OdDbObjectId objId); virtual void erased(const OdDbObject* dbObj, bool pErasing = true); 
Moves content in the cell from one position to another.
Returns the number of columns in this table entity (DXF 92). 
Returns the number of contents in a cell.
Returns the number of rows in this table entity (DXF 91). 
Updates the block table record referenced by this table entity.
Removes all overrides in a cell, row or column. Use a valid row index and pass the column index '-1' to remove the row property overrides. Use a valid column index and pass the row index '-1' to remove the column property overrides.
This is the overview for the removeDataLink method overload. 
Returns an array of sub-entities of the current sub-selection cells in the output argument paths.
Resets the value in a specified cell.
This is the overview for the rotation method overload. 
Returns the height of the specified row in this table entity (DXF 141).
Returns the scale value of the cell as a double value.
Selects a cell in this table by the specified point, viewing direction, and orientation. Returns the row index and the column index of the selected cell that encloses the input point.
This is select_next_cell, a member of class OdDbTable. 
Selects a set of cells in this table by the specified window box, viewing direction, and orientation. Returns the set of cells in the output arguments rowMin, rowMax, colMin, colMax.
Sets the cell alignment for the specified cell in this table entity (DXF 170).
Sets the auto-scaled flag to the cell.
Sets the background color for the specified cell in this table entity (DXF 63).
Controls the background color setting for the specified cell in this table entity (DXF 283).
This is the overview for the setBlockAttributeValue method overload. 
This is the overview for the setBlockTableRecordId method overload. 
Sets table break flow direction of this table entity.
Sets the table break height of the specified table entity.
Sets the table break offset of the specified table entity.
Sets the table break option of this table entity.
Sets the break spacing for this table entity.
Sets the cell state.
Sets the cell style. Use a valid row index and pass the column index '-1' to set the style for the row. Use a valid column index and pass the row index '-1' to set the style for the column.
Sets the column name.
This is the overview for the setColumnWidth method overload. 
This is the overview for the setContentColor method overload. 
Sets the content layout to the cell.
This is the overview for the setCustomData method overload. 
This is the overview for the setDataFormat method overload. 
This is the overview for the setDataLink method overload. 
This is the overview for the setDataType method overload. 
Sets the X-axis for this table entity in WCS coordinates (DXF 11, 21, 31).
This is the overview for the setFieldId method overload. 
Sets the direction that this table entity flows from its first row to its last. (DXF 70).
Sets the formula at the specified content index of the cell.
This is the overview for the setGridColor method overload. 
Sets the grid double line spacing of the cell, row or column. Use a valid row index and pass the column index '-1' to set the row grid double line spacing. Use a valid column index and pass the row index '-1' to set the column grid double line spacing.
Sets the grid line style to a cell, row or column. Use a valid row index and pass the column index '-1' to set the row grid line style. Use a valid column index and pass the row index '-1' to set the column grid line style.
Sets the grid linetype of the cell, row or column. Use a valid row index and pass the column index '-1' to set the row grid linetype. Use a valid column index and pass the row index '-1' to set the column grid linetype.
This is the overview for the setGridLineWeight method overload. 
This is the overview for the setGridProperty method overload. 
This is the overview for the setGridVisibility method overload. 
Sets the overall height of this table entity.
Sets the margin to the cell, row or column. Use a valid row index and pass the column index '-1' to set the margin for the row. Use a valid column index and pass the row index '-1' to set the margin for the column.
This is the overview for the setOverride method overload. 
This is the overview for the setRotation method overload. 
This is the overview for the setRowHeight method overload. 
Sets the scale value to the cell.
Sets the size for this table entity.
This is the overview for the setSubSelection method overload. 
Sets the Object ID of the OdDbTableStyle for use by this table entity (DXF 342).
This is the overview for the setTextHeight method overload. 
This is the overview for the setTextString method overload. 
This is the overview for the setTextStyle method overload. 
Sets the tooltip of the cell.
This is the overview for the setValue method overload. 
Sets the overall width for this table entity.
Called as the first operation as this object is being closed, for database-resident objects only. 
Called as the first operation as this object is being erased or unerased.
Replace OdRxObjectPtrArray
  • details Explodes this entity into a set of simpler entities.

This is subGetGeomExtents, a member of class OdDbBlockReference.
This is subGetTransformedCopy, a member of class OdDbBlockReference.
This is subHighlight, a member of class OdDbTable. 
Applies the specified 3D transformation matrix to this entity.
This is subWblockClone, a member of class OdDbTable. 
Returns true if the entity has no view-dependent graphics. In another case returns false.
This method allows the user to disable the regeneration of the table block during property changes.
Returns the Object ID of the OdDbTableStyle used by this table entity (DXF 342). 
This is the overview for the textHeight method overload. 
This is the overview for the textString method overload. 
This is the overview for the textStyle method overload. 
Unmerges a rectangular region of cells in this table entity.
This is the overview for the updateDataLink method overload. 
This is the overview for the value method overload. 
Returns the overall width of this table entity. 
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