API Reference > OdDb Classes > OdDbTable Class > OdDbTable Methods > OdDbTable::setBackgroundColorNone Method
OdDbTable::setBackgroundColorNone Method
virtual void setBackgroundColorNone(OdUInt32 row, OdUInt32 column, bool disable);
OdUInt32 row 
[in] Row index of the cell.  
OdUInt32 column 
[in] Column index of the cell.  
bool disable 
[in] Disables the background color if true, enables if false.
Method generates the eInvalidInput exception when the row type mask is more than 7, the row argument is more than the number of rows, or the column argument is more than the number of columns. 

Controls the background color setting for the specified cell in this table entity (DXF 283). 


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