API Reference > OdDb Classes > OdDbTable Class > OdDbTable Methods > OdDbTable::select Method
OdDbTable::select Method
virtual OdResult select(const OdGePoint3d& wpt, const OdGeVector3d& wvwVec, const OdGeVector3d& wvwxVec, double wxaper, double wyaper, bool allowOutside, bool bInPickFirst, OdInt32& resultRowIndex, OdInt32& resultColumnIndex, OdDbFullSubentPathArray* pPaths = 0) const;
const OdGePoint3d& wpt 
[in] Input 3D picking point in WCS.  
const OdGeVector3d& wvwVec 
[in] 3D vector in WCS that specifies the view direction for the hit test.  
const OdGeVector3d& wvwxVec 
[in] 3D vector in WCS that specifies the view orientation for the hit test.  
double wxaper 
[in] Width of aperture box centered at the hit point.  
double wyaper 
[in] Height of aperture box centered at the hit point.  
bool allowOutside 
[in] Indicates whether a pick point outside the table will select a cell.  
bool bInPickFirst 
[in] If true, the entity is already in the pickfirst set; if false, the pickfirst logic should attempt to sub-select the entity directly.  
OdInt32& resultRowIndex 
[out] Row index.  
OdInt32& resultColumnIndex 
[out] Column index.  
OdDbFullSubentPathArray* pPaths = 0 
[out] Pointer to an OdDbFullSubentPathArray. 

Returns eOk if successful or an appropriate error code if not. 

If pPaths is not null, the cell subentities will be returned in pPaths.

Selects a cell in this table by the specified point, viewing direction, and orientation. Returns the row index and the column index of the selected cell that encloses the input point. 


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