API Reference > OdDb Classes > OdDbSweepOptions Class
OdDbSweepOptions Class
class OdDbSweepOptions;


Class for setting options used for creating swept surfaces and swept solids (by calling OdDbSweptSurface::createSweptSurface() or OdDb3dSolid::createSweptSolid() methods). Sweep options are used to control the shape of the resulting surface or solid object. 


Destroys the instance of sweep options. 
This is the overview for the OdDbSweepOptions constructor overload. 
Alignment options enumerator for swept entities. 
Miter options enumerator for swept entities. 
Returns the align option. 
Returns the align angle. 
Returns the align to start option.
If the option value is equal to true, alignment to the start of the curve is applied. If the option value is equal to false, alignment to the end of the curve is applied. 
Returns the bank flag. 
Returns the base point for alignment. 
Returns the check self-intersections flag. If this flag is disabled, a self-intersecting surface may be created. 
Determines if the passed-in path curve is valid.
Determines if the specified sweep entity is valid and returns the planarity of the sweep entity.
Returns the draft angle (in radians). The draft angle is the angle by which the profile will taper as it is swept. The default value is equal to 0.0. 
Returns the end draft distance. The default value is equal to 0.0. 
Returns the transformation associated with the start and end of the path curve.
Returns the transformation associated with this entity.
Returns the miter option. 
Returns the scale factor. 
Sets the align option.
Sets the align angle.
Sets the align to start option.
If the option value is equal to true, alignment to the start of the curve is applied. If the option value is equal to false, alignment to the end of the curve is applied.
Sets the bank flag.
Sets the base point for alignment.
Sets the check self-intersections flag.
If this flag is disabled, a self-intersecting surface may be created.
Sets the draft angle.
The draft angle is the angle by which the profile will taper as it is swept. The default value is equal to 0.0.
Sets the start draft distance. The default value is equal to 0.0.
Sets the miter option.
This is the overview for the setPathEntityTransform method overload. 
Sets the scale factor.
Sets the start draft distance. The default value is equal to 0.0.
This is the overview for the setSweepEntityTransform method overload. 
Sets the twist angle.
Twist angle is the angle by which the profile will be twisted as it is swept. The default value is equal to 0.0.
Sets the twist vector.
Returns the start draft distance. The default value is equal to 0.0. 
Returns the twist angle in radians. Twist angle is the angle by which the profile will be twisted as it is swept. The default value is equal to 0.0. 
Returns the twist vector. 
Assigning operator for swept entity options.
Compares two OdDbSweepOptions objects, returns true when their values are equal, or false when their values are not equal.
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