API Reference > OdDb Classes > OdDbSweepOptions Class > OdDbSweepOptions Methods > OdDbSweepOptions::checkSweepCurve Method
OdDbSweepOptions::checkSweepCurve Method
OdResult checkSweepCurve(OdDbEntity * pSweepEnt, OdDb::Planarity& planarity, OdGePoint3d& pnt, OdGeVector3d& vec, bool& closed, double& approxArcLen, bool displayErrorMessages = false);
OdDbEntity * pSweepEnt 
[in] A pointer to the curve, region, or planar surface to be swept.  
OdDb::Planarity& planarity 
[out] A passed-in parameter for returning the planarity flag of the entity.  
OdGePoint3d& pnt 
[out] A passed-in parameter for returning the point on the sweep entity if planarity is kPlanar, or a point on the line if planarity is kLinear.  
OdGeVector3d& vec 
[out] A passed-in parameter for returning the normal vector of the entity if planarity is kPlanar, or the line direction if planarity is kLinear.  
bool& closed 
[out] A passed-in parameter for returning the closed flag determining whether an entity to be swept is a closed entity.  
double& approxArcLen 
[out] A passed-in parameter for returning the approximate arc length.  
bool displayErrorMessages = false 
[in] Indicates whether error messages are displayed. Default value is false.

If kPlanar is returned, then pnt and vec will specify the normal plane of the entity. If kLinear is returned, then pnt and vec will specify a defining point and direction of the sweep entity.

Determines if the specified sweep entity is valid and returns the planarity of the sweep entity. 


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