API Reference > OdDb Classes > OdDbRegion Class
OdDbRegion Class
class OdDbRegion : public OdDbEntity;


This class represents Region entities in an OdDbDatabase instance. 

An OdDbRegion entity is a wrapper for an ACIS model that represents the geometry of the OdDbRegion entity.



This is OdDbRegion, a member of class OdDbRegion. 
Reads the ACIS data for this entity from the specified StreamBuf object.
Writes the ACIS data of this entity to the specified StreamBuf object.
Returns the current modeler geometry. 
Performs a Boolean operation between this and another region object.
Possible operation types are:
  • kBoolUnite - unites two regions into one.
  • kBoolIntersect - returns the intersection of two regions.
  • kBoolSubtract - subtracts the region from the first one.

Returns the boundary representation of the 3D solid entity.
Creates OdDbRegion entities from the closed loops defined by the specified curve segments.
Determines the behavior for custom objects when saving to .dwg or .dxf file.
Reads the .dwg file data of this object.
This is DWGMAP_DECLARE_MEMBERS, a member of class OdDbRegion. 
Writes the .dwg file data of this object.
Reads the DXF data of this object.
Writes the DXF data of this object.
Calculates the area of the region. Area value is returned in square drawing units.
Calculates the area properties of the region.
The method validates the origin, xAxis, and yAxis parameters to ensure that:
  • axes are perpendicular to each other.
  • axes and the origin lie in the same plane as the region.

This is getFaceMesh, a member of class OdDbRegion. 
Returns the WCS normal to the plane of this entity (DXF 210).
Calculates the perimeter of the region. Perimeter value is returned in drawing units.
Gets the OdGePlane object that contains the region. If the region is Null, then the WCS X-Y plane is returned.
This is internalSubentId, a member of class OdDbRegion. 
This is internalSubentPtr, a member of class OdDbRegion. 
Returns true if and only if there is no ACIS model associated with this entity. 
Returns true if the region is planar or false in the other case. 
Returns the number of changes occurred since the region was created. 
Creates a geometric representation of the region for saving proxy graphics or converting to previous formats.
Directly sets the contained modeler geometry of this entity.
This is subExplode, a member of class OdDbRegion. 
This is subGetGeomExtents, a member of class OdDbRegion. 
This is subGetGsMarkersAtSubentPath, a member of class OdDbRegion. 
This is subGetSubentPathsAtGsMarker, a member of class OdDbRegion. 
This is the overview for the subIntersectWith method overload. 
Sets the values of this object's subentity traits, and returns with the calling object's subentity traits.
This is subSubentPtr, a member of class OdDbRegion. 
This is subTransformBy, a member of class OdDbRegion. 
This is subWorldDraw, a member of class OdDbRegion. 
This is TD_USING, a member of class OdDbRegion. 
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