API Reference > OdDb Classes > OdDbRegion Class > OdDbRegion Methods > OdDbRegion::getPlane Method
OdDbRegion::getPlane Method
virtual OdResult getPlane(OdGePlane& plane, OdDb::Planarity& planarity) const;
OdGePlane& plane 
[out] A reference to the OdGePlane object that stores the containing plane.  
OdDb::Planarity& planarity 
[out] A reference to a variable containing information about planarity of the OdGePlane object. 
  • eOk - if successful;
  • eWrongObjectType - if the region has unplanar face;
  • eInvalidInput - if the faces of the region have different planes;
  • eDegenerateGeometry - if an error is found in the topology;
  • eGeneralModelingFailure - if a fatal error is detected.

Gets the OdGePlane object that contains the region. If the region is Null, then the WCS X-Y plane is returned. 


If typeVer is null, this function uses the type and version of this region entity.

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