API Reference > OdDb Classes > OdDbLinetypeTableRecord Class
OdDbLinetypeTableRecord Class
class OdDbLinetypeTableRecord : public OdDbSymbolTableRecord;



This class implements the linetype record object, which represents a linetype in the database. This class inherits the base functionality of named records.


Example of Working with the Linetype Table Object 

Example of Working with the Linetype Record Object 

Example of Working with the Linetype Dash 

Working with Linetypes 

OdDbLinetypeTable class

Builds an instance of the linetype record object. 
Returns the simple ASCII representation of the linetype (DXF 3). It is a comment or series of underscores, dots, dashes, and spaces to show a representation of the linetype. 
Returns the length of the linetype dash at the specified index in drawing units (DXF 49). If the length value is positive, the dash is drawn. If a length value is negative, the dash is not drawn (appears as a space). If the length value is zero, a point is drawn (appears as a dot).
Returns a pointer to the OdGiDrawable for the object. If the object doesn't have an associated OdGiDrawable object, this function returns NULL. 
Reads the .dwg file data of this object.
This is DWGMAP_DECLARE_MEMBERS, a member of class OdDbLinetypeTableRecord. 
Writes the .dwg file data of this object.
Reads the DXF data of this object.
Reads the DXF R12 format data of this object.
Writes the DXF data of this object.
Writes the DXF data of this object.
Determines whether or not the alignment is scaled to fit (DXF 72) and returns True if the alignment is scaled to fit or False if the alignment is not scaled to fit. 
Returns the number of dashes in the linetype (DXF 73). If the number of dashes is a zero, the linetype defines a solid line. 
Returns the total length of the linetype pattern in drawing units (DXF 40). This length is a sum of all dashes forming the linetype pattern. 
Sets the simple ASCII representation or comment for the linetype record object (DXF 3). It can be a comment or series of underscores, dots, dashes, and spaces to show a representation of the linetype. The initial value is an empty string by default.
Sets the length of the dash at the specified index in drawing units (DXF 49). A positive value specifies the dash which is drawn (appears as a line). A negative value specifies the dash which is not drawn (appears as a space). A zero values specifies the dash which is a point (appears as a dot). The initial value is zero by default.
Sets the alignment scaling to fit for the linetype (DXF 72).
Sets the number of dashes for the linetype (DXF 73). If the number of dashes is set to zero, the linetype defines a solid line. If the linetype pattern contains dashes, it must contain at least two of them. The initial value is zero by default.
Sets the total length of the linetype pattern in drawing units (DXF 40). This length must specify the sum of all dashes forming the linetype pattern. If the pattern length is set to zero, the linetype record object automatically recalculates the pattern length. The initial value is zero by default.
Sets the UCS-orientation of the inclusion (text or shape) inside the dash at the specified index (DXF 74, bit 0x01) either relative to the current UCS (byUCS) or relative to the line within which it is embedded (byLine). The initial value is False (byLine) by default.
Sets the Upright orientation of the inclusion (text or shape) inside the dash at the specified index (DXF 74, bit 0x08). The initial value is False by default.
Sets the code of the shape as an inclusion in the dash at the specified index inside the linetype pattern (DXF 75). A zero value removes the shape inclusion. The initial value is zero by default.
Sets the inclusion offset inside the dash at the specified index (DXF 44, 45). This offset specifies the two-dimensional displacement to the insertion point of an inclusion relative to the end of the current dash that contains the text or shape.
Sets the angle on which the inclusion (shape or text) is rotated within the dash at the specified index (DXF 50) counterclockwise relative to the direction vector of the linetype in the range -2PI to 2PI radians. A positive angle rotates the inclusion counterclockwise. A negative angle rotates the inclusion clockwise. A zero angle indicates that the direction of the linetype and inclusion are the same. If an absolute angle value is greater than 2PI, it converts to the range ±2PI. The initial value is zero by default.
Sets the factor by which the text or shape scales within the dash at the specified index (DXF 46). A value less than 1.0 condenses the inclusion. A value greater than 1.0 expandes the inclusion. A value 1.0 defines inclusion size specified the associated text style.
Sets the Object ID associated with an instance of the text style record object (OdDbTextStyleTableRecord class) for the linetype dash at the specified index as the text style which specifies the characteristics of the shape inclusion inserted in in this linetype dash (DXF 340). The initial value is OdDb::kNull by default.
Sets the text string as an inclusion in the dash at the specified index inside the linetype pattern (DXF 9). An empty string removes the text inclusion. The initial value is an empty string by default.
Determines whether the inclusion (text or shape) is UCS-oriented inside the dash at the specified index (DXF 74, bit 0x01) and returns True if the inclusion is oriented relative to the current UCS or False if the inclusion is oriented relative to the line within which it is embedded.
Determines whether the inclusion (text or shape) is Upright-oriented inside the dash at the specified index (DXF 74, bit 0x08) and returns True if the inclusion is oriented upright.
Returns the code of the shape included in the dash at the specified index as an inclusion inside the linetype pattern (DXF 75). When the shape code is zero, the dash does not contain a shape inclusion.
Returns the inclusion offset inside the dash at the specified index (DXF 44, 45). This offset defines the two-dimensional displacement to the insertion point of an inclusion relative to the end of the current dash that contains the text or shape as an inclusion. This method returns the offset as an instance of the two-dimensional vector object.
Returns the angle on which the inclusion (shape or text) is rotated within the dash at the specified index (DXF 50) counterclockwise relative to the direction vector of the linetype in the range -2PI to 2PI radians. If the angle is positive, the inclusion is rotated counterclockwise. If the angle is negative, the inclusion is rotated clockwise. If the angle is zero, the direction of the linetype and inclusion are the same.
Returns the factor by which the text or shape scales within the dash at the specified index (DXF 46). If the scale factor is less than 1.0, the inclusion is condensed. If the scale factor is greater than 1.0, the inclusion is expanded. If the scale factor equals 1.0, the height of the associated text style defines the inclusion size.
Returns the Object ID associated with an instance of the text style record object (OdDbTextStyleTableRecord class) which specifies the characteristics of the shape inclusion inserted in the linetype dash at the specified index (DXF 340).
Called as the first operation as this object is being erased or unerased.
Sets the values of this object's subentity traits, and returns with the calling object's subentity traits.
Returns the text string included in the dash at the specified index as an inclusion inside the linetype pattern (DXF 9). When the string is empty, the dash does not contain a text inclusion.
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