API Reference > OdDb Classes > OdDbLinetypeTableRecord Class > OdDbLinetypeTableRecord Methods > OdDbLinetypeTableRecord::setDashLengthAt Method
OdDbLinetypeTableRecord::setDashLengthAt Method
void setDashLengthAt(int dashIndex, double dashLength);
int dashIndex 
[in] Dash index as an Integer value in range [0 <= dashIndex < numDashes].  
double dashLength 
[in] Dash length as a Double value. 

Sets the length of the dash at the specified index in drawing units (DXF 49). A positive value specifies the dash which is drawn (appears as a line). A negative value specifies the dash which is not drawn (appears as a space). A zero values specifies the dash which is a point (appears as a dot). The initial value is zero by default. 


Example of Working with the Linetype Dash 

Working with the Linetype Pattern 

OdDbLinetypeTableRecord::dashLengthAt() method

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