API Reference > OdDb Classes > OdDbLinetypeTableRecord Class > OdDbLinetypeTableRecord Methods > OdDbLinetypeTableRecord::setShapeRotationAt Method
OdDbLinetypeTableRecord::setShapeRotationAt Method
void setShapeRotationAt(int dashIndex, double shapeRotation);
int dashIndex 
[in] Dash index as an Integer value in range [0 <= dashIndex < numDashes].  
double shapeRotation 
[in] Rotation angle as a Double value in radians. 

Sets the angle on which the inclusion (shape or text) is rotated within the dash at the specified index (DXF 50) counterclockwise relative to the direction vector of the linetype in the range -2PI to 2PI radians. A positive angle rotates the inclusion counterclockwise. A negative angle rotates the inclusion clockwise. A zero angle indicates that the direction of the linetype and inclusion are the same. If an absolute angle value is greater than 2PI, it converts to the range ±2PI. The initial value is zero by default. 


Example of Working with the Linetype Dash 

Working with the Linetype Pattern 

OdDbLinetypeTableRecord::shapeRotationAt() method

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