API Reference > OdDb Classes > OdDbNurbSurface Class
OdDbNurbSurface Class
class OdDbNurbSurface : public OdDbSurface;


This class implements a three-dimensional NURB surface entity.



Creates an OdDbNurbSurface object. 
Creates a surface from a specified surface with conversion.
OdDbObject methods 
Writes the .dwg file data of this object.
Reads the DXF data of this object.
Writes the DXF data of this object.
This is the overview for the evaluate method overload. 
Gets all NURB data.
Returns the control point (in WCS coordinates) at the specified position in the control points vector.
Returns the control points and the quantity of control points in both u and v directions.
Returns the degree of NURBS surface in the u direction.
Returns the degree of NURBS surface in the v direction.
Returns the isolines at a specified u value. The isolines are created in the v direction. If there are holes in the surface, there could be a number of isoline segments at a specified u value.
Returns the isolines at a specified v value. The isolines are created in the u direction. If there are holes in the surface, there could be a number of isoline segments at a specified v value.
Returns the normal vector at the specified parameter location ([u, v]).
Returns the quantity of control points in the u direction.
Returns the quantity of control points in the v direction.
Returns the quantity of knots in the u direction.
Returns the quantity of knots in the v direction.
Returns the simple patches in the u direction.
Returns the simple patches in the v direction.
Returns the u and v parameter for a point on the surface.
Returns the period value in the u direction for the surface. Returned value is valid only if the surface is periodic in the u direction.
Returns the period value in the v direction for the surface. Returned value is valid only if the surface is periodic in the v direction.
Returns the knot vector in the u direction.
Returns the knot vector in the v direction.
Returns the weight at a specified position (uIndex, vIndex) in the weights array. Returns valid weight value only when the surface is rational.
Inserts a row of control points at the given u knot parameter.
Inserts a row of control points at the given v knot parameter.
Inserts a knot at the specified u parameter. The knot insertion doesn't modify the shape of the surface. It will add a new row of control points in the v direction and adjust the local control point's location.
Inserts a knot at the specified v parameter. The knot insertion doesn't modify the shape of the surface. It will add a new row of control points in the u direction and adjust the local control point's location.
Determines whether the surface is closed in the u direction.
Determines whether the surface is closed in the v direction.
Determines whether the surface is periodic in the u direction.
Determines whether the surface is periodic in the v direction.
Determines whether the surface is planar. If the surface is planar, also returns the plane information and normal. If the surface is planar, the method returns true via the bIsPlanar parameter, otherwise the method returns false.
Determines whether a specified point is on the surface. If specified point is on the surface, the method returns true via bOnSurface, otherwise the method returns false.
Determines whether the surface is rational. If the surface is rational, the method returns true, otherwise the method returns false.
Adjusts the location and tangent of a point on the surface with the specified parameter ([u, v]). The local control points are adjusted accordingly. If the pointer uDeriv and vDeriv are equal to NULL, then only the location of the point is adjusted.
virtual ~OdDbNurbSurface(); 
Rebuilds the NURBS surface with a specified new degree and quantity of control points in the u and v directions. This operation modifies the shape of the surface.
Removes a row of control points at the specified position in the control points array. The method modifies the shape of the surface.
Removes a row of control points at the specified position in the control points array. The method modifies the shape of the surface.
Set new data for the existing NURBS surface.
Sets a new control point (in WCS coordinates) at a specified position in the control points vector.
Sets the control points.
Sets the weight value at a specified position in the weights array.
If the surface is not rational, the method does nothing.
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