API Reference > OdDb Classes > OdDbNurbSurface Class > OdDbNurbSurface Methods > OdDbNurbSurface::getIsolineAtU Method
OdDbNurbSurface::getIsolineAtU Method
OdResult getIsolineAtU(double dU, OdDbCurvePtrArray& lineSegments) const;
double dU 
[in] u parameter.  
OdDbCurvePtrArray& lineSegments 
[out] A passed-in parameter for returning the array of isoline segments.

Returns eOk if successful. If the surface doesn't contain any NURBS information, returns eFail.

Returns the isolines at a specified u value. The isolines are created in the v direction. If there are holes in the surface, there could be a number of isoline segments at a specified u value. 


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