API Reference > OdDb Classes > OdDbNurbSurface Class > OdDbNurbSurface Methods > OdDbNurbSurface::rebuild Method
OdDbNurbSurface::rebuild Method
OdResult rebuild(int iUDegree, int iVDegree, int iNumUCtrlPts, int iNumVCtrlPts, bool bRestore = false);
int iUDegree 
[in] The new degree value in the u direction.  
int iVDegree 
[in] The new degree value in the v direction.  
int iNumUCtrlPts 
[in] The new quantity of control point in the u direction.  
int iNumVCtrlPts 
[in] The new quantity of control point in the v direction.  
bool bRestore = false 
[in] Restore flag.

Returns eOk if successful. If the surface doesn't contain any NURBS information, returns eFail.

Rebuilds the NURBS surface with a specified new degree and quantity of control points in the u and v directions. This operation modifies the shape of the surface. 


This method is not implemented.

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