API Reference > OdDb Classes > OdDbNurbSurface Class > OdDbNurbSurface Methods > OdDbNurbSurface::getControlPointAt Method
OdDbNurbSurface::getControlPointAt Method
OdResult getControlPointAt(int iUIndex, int iVIndex, OdGePoint3d& point) const;
int iUIndex 
[in] An index of a control point in the u direction. Index starts from the 0 value.  
int iVIndex 
[in] An index of a control point in the v direction. Index starts from the 0 value.  
OdGePoint3d& point 
[out] The control point (in WCS coordinates) at specified index.

Returns eOk if a control point was returned successfully. If the surface doesn't contain the control point information, the method returns eFail. Returns eOutOfRange if the uIndex or vIndex are not valid.

Returns the control point (in WCS coordinates) at the specified position in the control points vector. 


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