API Reference > OdDb Classes > OdDbNurbSurface Class > OdDbNurbSurface Methods > OdDbNurbSurface::modifyPositionAndTangent Method
OdDbNurbSurface::modifyPositionAndTangent Method
OdResult modifyPositionAndTangent(double dU, double dV, const OdGePoint3d& point, const OdGeVector3d* uDeriv = NULL, const OdGeVector3d* vDeriv = NULL);
double dU 
[in] u parameter.  
double dV 
[in] v parameter.  
const OdGePoint3d& point 
[in] A new location of the point on the surface.  
const OdGeVector3d* uDeriv = NULL 
[in] The tangent vector in the u direction.  
const OdGeVector3d* vDeriv = NULL 
[in] The tangent vector in the v direction.

Returns eOk if successful. If the surface doesn't contain any NURBS information, returns eFail.

Adjusts the location and tangent of a point on the surface with the specified parameter ([u, v]). The local control points are adjusted accordingly. If the pointer uDeriv and vDeriv are equal to NULL, then only the location of the point is adjusted. 


This method is not implemented.

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