API Reference > OdDb Classes > OdDbImageBackground Class
OdDbImageBackground Class
class OdDbImageBackground : public OdDbBackground;


This class is for an image background. Corresponding C++ library: SCENEOE


This is ~OdDbImageBackground, a member of class OdDbImageBackground. 
This is OdDbImageBackground, a member of class OdDbImageBackground. 
This is drawableType, a member of class OdDbImageBackground. 
Reads the .dwg file data of this object.
Writes the .dwg file data of this object.
Reads the DXF data of this object.
Writes the DXF data of this object.
This is fitToScreen, a member of class OdDbImageBackground. 
This is imageFilename, a member of class OdDbImageBackground. 
This is maintainAspectRatio, a member of class OdDbImageBackground. 
This is ODDB_DECLARE_MEMBERS, a member of class OdDbImageBackground. 
This is setFitToScreen, a member of class OdDbImageBackground. 
This is setImageFilename, a member of class OdDbImageBackground. 
This is setMaintainAspectRatio, a member of class OdDbImageBackground. 
This is setUseTiling, a member of class OdDbImageBackground. 
This is setXOffset, a member of class OdDbImageBackground. 
This is setXScale, a member of class OdDbImageBackground. 
This is setYOffset, a member of class OdDbImageBackground. 
This is setYScale, a member of class OdDbImageBackground. 
Sets the values of this object's subentity traits, and returns with the calling object's subentity traits.
This is useTiling, a member of class OdDbImageBackground. 
This is xOffset, a member of class OdDbImageBackground. 
This is xScale, a member of class OdDbImageBackground. 
This is yOffset, a member of class OdDbImageBackground. 
This is yScale, a member of class OdDbImageBackground. 
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