API Reference > OdDb Classes > OdDbAnnotationScale Class
OdDbAnnotationScale Class
class OdDbAnnotationScale : public OdDbObjectContext;


This class defines an annotation scale as a context object.

The context is the current viewport scale which can determine the properties of annotations in the viewport. You can get objects of this class using the OdDbAnnotationScale context collection. An annotation scale is the ratio of paper units to drawing units, for example, 1 mm to 1 meter for a scale of 0.01.



Returns the name of the context collection (OdDbContextCollection) in which the annotation scale is stored. 
Copies the contents of the specified annotation scale into this object when possible. 
Returns the drawing units value of the annotation scale. 
Returns whether annotation scales are stored temporarily in the drawing. 
Returns the name of the annotation scale object. 
Returns the paper units value of the annotation scale. 
Returns the annotation scale factor. 
Returns whether a specified ID matches the annotation scale ID.
This is ODRX_DECLARE_MEMBERS, a member of class OdDbAnnotationScale. 
Sets the drawing units value of the annotation scale.
Sets the name of the annotation scale object.
Sets the paper units value of the annotation scale.
Returns the ID of the annotation scale. 
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