API Reference > OdDb Classes > OdDbLayerStateManager Class
OdDbLayerStateManager Class
class OdDbLayerStateManager : public OdRxObject;


This class represents Layer States Manager objects. Corresponding C++ library: TD_Db

Default destructor for objects of the OdDbLayerStateManager class. 
Default constructor for objects of the OdDbLayerStateManager class. 
Enumeration that determines which layer attributes are to be stored in the LayerState. 
Adds layers to the layer state.
Adds a state manager reactor to this state manager object.
Compares a specified layer state to the layer state, associated with a specified viewport.
Deletes a layer state.
Exports a specific layer state.
Gets the database associated with this layer state manager.
Gets the name of the last restored layer state and the ID of the corresponding LayerState object.
Retrieves a description from a specified layer state.
Retrieves a list of names of layers associated with a specified layer state.
Retrieves a layer state mask from a specific layer state.
Retrieves a list of names of layer states contained in the current database.
Indicates if the layer state with the given name is managed by this layer state manager object.
This is the overview for the importLayerState method overload. 
Imports a layer state from a specified database.
Shows if the layer state is from xref.
Checks if a specified layer has viewport data.
Gets the layer state dictionary ID if present in the current database. The layer state dictionary can be created if it's not present and the bCreateIfNotPresent parameter is set to true.
Removes layers from layer state.
Removes a state manager reactor to this state manager object.
Renames a layer state.
This is the overview for the restoreLayerState method overload. 
This is the overview for the saveLayerState method overload. 
Sets a description for a specified layer state.
Sets the layer state mask for a specific layer state.
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