API Reference > OdDb Classes > OdDbLayerStateManager Class > OdDbLayerStateManager Methods > OdDbLayerStateManager::getLayerStateLayers Method
OdDbLayerStateManager::getLayerStateLayers Method
OdResult getLayerStateLayers(OdStringArray& layerArray, const OdString& sName, bool bInvert = false);
OdStringArray& layerArray 
[out] Array of names of layers.  
const OdString& sName 
[in] Name of layer state to get the list of layer names for.  
bool bInvert = false 
[in] If true the method will return the inverted list, i.e. the list of layer names in the current database, that are not associated with a specified layer state.

eOk if operation succeeded; error code otherwise.

Retrieves a list of names of layers associated with a specified layer state. 


If bInvert is true, the resulting list of layer names is not cleared, just appended.

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