API Reference > OdDb Classes > OdDbDimension Class
OdDbDimension Class
class OdDbDimension : public OdDbEntity;


This class is the base class for all Dimension classes in an OdDbDatabase instance.



Constructor. Initializes fields with default values. 
Defines dimension inspection settings. 
This function appends this object to the specified owner object during the deep or wblock clone operation.
Returns opened object that is returned by dimBlockId().
Returns the Object ID of the dimension block (OdDbBlockTableRecord) associated with this Dimension entity (DXF 2). 
Returns the WCS relative position of the block associated with this Dimension entity (DXF 12). 
Returns the rotation angle of the dimension block referenced by this Dimension entity (DXF 54). 
Returns the scale of the dimension block referenced by this Dimension entity. 
Returns the transformation matrix applied to dimension block referenced by this Dimension entity. 
Returns the Object ID of the dimension style (OdDbDimStyleTableRecord) for this Dimension entity (DXF 3). 
Returns the user-supplied dimension text for this Dimension Entity (DXF 1). 
Reads the .dwg file data of this object.
Writes the .dwg file data of this object.
Reads the DXF data of this object.
Reads the DXF R12 format data of this object.
Writes the DXF data of this object.
Writes the DXF data of this object.
Returns the elevation of this entity in the OCS (DXF 30). 
Explodes this entity into a set of simpler entities.
If pDimMText has a text field, this method copies that field and adds the copy to this object.
If this object has a text field, this method copies the field and pastes the copy to pDimMText.
Returns the formatted measurement value.
Returns the flip flag of the first arrowhead for this Dimension entity. 
Returns the flip flag of the second arrowhead for this Dimension entity. 
Returns the background text color and flags for this Dimension entity.
Returns the Object ID of the first extension line linetype for this Dimension entity. 
Returns the Object ID of the second extension line linetype for this Dimension entity. 
Returns the Object ID of the dimension line linetype for this Dimension entity. 
Copies the dimension style settings, including overrides, of this Dimension entity into the specified dimension style table record.
Checks the value of the DIMTALN flag.
Returns the matrix which maps the plane coordinate system to the WCS. 
Returns the extension line fixed length for this Dimension entity. 
Returns the extension line fixed length enable flag for this Dimension entity. 
Returns the measurement (DXF 42) stored in this Dimension entity. 
Retrieves the WCS plane that this dimension contains. Sets planarity flag to OdDb::kPlanar.
Returns the horizontal rotation angle for this Dimension entity (DXF 51). 
Checks the inspection flag for this dimension.
detials Returns the inspection frame value. 
detials Returns the inspection label value. 
detials Returns the inspection rate value. 
Checks if the object's constraint is dynamic.
This is the overview for the isConstraintObject method overload. 
Checks if this dimension object is dynamic.
Checks if this dimension is planar.  
Returns true and only if this Dimension entity has the only reference to its associated OdDbBlockTableRecord (DXF 70 bit 0x20). 
Returns true if and only if the dimension text for this Dimension entity is in the default position (DXF 70, bit 0x80 == 0). 
Returns the measurement (DXF 42) for this Dimension entity. 
Notification function called whenever an object is opened OdDb::kForWrite, a function has been called that could modify the contents of this object, and this object is now being closed.
Returns the WCS normal to the plane of this entity (DXF 210). 
Recomputes the dimension block referenced by this Dimension entity. 
Removes text field from this dimension object and deletes it from dictionary. 
Resets defined width and defined height for MText. 
Sets the flip flag of the first arrowhead for this Dimension entity.
Sets the flip flag of the second arrowhead for this Dimension entity.
Sets the background text color and flags for this Dimension entity.
Sets a flag that indicates whether the constraint is dynamic or not.
Sets the Object ID of the dimension block (OdDbBlockTableRecord) associated with this Dimension entity.
This is setDimBlockPosition, a member of class OdDbDimension. 
This is setDimBlockRotation, a member of class OdDbDimension. 
This is setDimBlockScale, a member of class OdDbDimension. 
Sets the Object ID of the dimension style (OdDbDimStyleTableRecord) for this Dimension entity (DXF 3).  
Sets the user-supplied dimension text for this Dimension Entity (DXF 1).
Sets the Object ID of the first extension line linetype for this Dimension entity.
Sets the Object ID of the second extension line linetype for this Dimension entity.
Sets the Object ID of the dimension line linetype for this Dimension entity.
This is the overview for the setDimstyleData method overload. 
Sets DIMTALN flag value.
Sets a flag that indicates whether this dimension is dynamic or not.
Sets the elevation of this entity in the OCS (DXF 30).
Sets the extension line fixed length for this Dimension entity.
Controls the extension line fixed length enable flag for this Dimension entity.
Sets the horizontal rotation angle for this Dimension entity (DXF 51).  
Sets a value to the inspection flag for this dimension.
detials Sets inspection frame value.
detials Sets the inspection label value.
detials Sets the inspection rate value.
Sets the WCS normal to the plane of this entity (DXF 210).
Sets a flag that indicates whether this dimension should participate in OPM or not.
Sets the dimension text attachment point for this Dimension entity (DXF 71).  
Sets defined width and defined height for MText
Sets the dimension text line spacing factor for this Dimension entity (DXF 41).
Sets the dimension text line spacing style for this Dimension entity (DXF 72).  
Sets the position of the dimension text for this Dimension entity (DXF 11 as WCS).
Sets the rotation angle for the dimension text for this Dimension entity (DXF 53).
Checks if this dimension should participate in OPM.
Called as the first operation as this object is being closed, for database -resident objects only. 
This is subExplode, a member of class OdDbDimension. 
This is subGetCompoundObjectTransform, a member of class OdDbDimension. 
Applies a transformation matrix to a copy of this entity. Only available if transformation is uniform.
Sets the values of this object's subentity traits, and returns with the calling object's subentity traits.
Applies the default properties of the specified database to this entity.  
Applies the specified 3D transformation matrix to this entity. Only available if transformation is uniform.
This is subViewportDraw, a member of class OdDbDimension. 
This is subWblockClone, a member of class OdDbDimension. 
This is subWorldDraw, a member of class OdDbDimension. 
Returns the dimension text attachment point for this Dimension entity (DXF 71). 
Gets defined width and defined height for MText
Returns the dimension text line spacing factor for this Dimension entity (DXF 41). 
Returns the dimension text line spacing style for this Dimension entity (DXF 72). 
Returns the position of the dimension text for this Dimension entity (DXF 11 as WCS). 
Returns the rotation angle for the dimension text for this Dimension entity (DXF 53). 
Sets the dimension text for this Dimension entity to use the default position (DXF 70, clears bit 0x80). 
Sets the dimension text for this Dimension entity to not use the default position (DXF 70, sets bit 0x80). 
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