API Reference > OdDb Classes > OdDbEvalGraph Class
OdDbEvalGraph Class
class OdDbEvalGraph : public OdDbObject;


This class implements the behavior of dynamic blocks with a network of interrelated elements.

Each element (OdDbEvalExpr object) depends on zero or more other elements. The dependencies are represented as edges to dependent nodes from the nodes on which they depend. 

In response to OdDbEvalGraph::evaluate(), this class traverses the graph and invokes OdDbEvalExpr::evaluate() for each of the elements in the graph in the proper order. 

Corresponding C++ library: TD_DynBlocks

  • OdDbEvalConnectable
  • OdDbEvalContext
  • OdDbEvalContextIterator
  • OdDbEvalContextPair
  • OdDbEvalEdgeInfo
  • OdDbEvalExpr
This is ~OdDbEvalGraph, a member of class OdDbEvalGraph. 
This is OdDbEvalGraph, a member of class OdDbEvalGraph. 
This is record OdDbEvalGraph::NodeId. 
This is the overview for the activate method overload. 
This is the overview for the addEdge method overload. 
Moves the nodes and edges from the specified Graph object to this Graph object.  
Adds a node to this Graph object.  
Notification function called each time an Undo operation is performed this object is using partial Undo.
Copies the contents of the specified object into this object when possible.
This is the overview for the createGraph method overload. 
Reads the .dwg file data of this object.
Writes the .dwg file data of this object.
Reads the DXF data of this object.
Writes the DXF data of this object.
Returns true if and only if the specified Graph object is equal to this one.
This is the overview for the evaluate method overload. 
Returns an array of the node IDs of all nodes in this Graph object.  
Returns the edge information for the specified edge of this Graph object.  
This is the overview for the getGraph method overload. 
Returns an array of the incoming edges for the specified node of this Graph object.
Returns true if and only if the specified node in this Graph object is active.
Opens and returns a SmartPointer to the specified node in this Graph object.  
Returns an array of the outgoing edges for the specified node of this Graph object.
This is the overview for the hasGraph method overload. 
Returns true if and only if the specified Graph object is a subgraph of this one.
This is ODDB_DECLARE_MEMBERS, a member of class OdDbEvalGraph. 
This is postInDatabase, a member of class OdDbEvalGraph. 
Removes the specified edge from this Graph object.
This is the overview for the removeGraph method overload. 
This is the overview for the removeNode method overload. 
Called as the first operation of the handOverTo function.
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