API Reference > OdDb Classes > OdDbEvalGraph Class > OdDbEvalGraph Methods > OdDbEvalGraph::getEdgeInfo Method
OdDbEvalGraph::getEdgeInfo Method
virtual bool getEdgeInfo(const OdDbEvalNodeId& idFrom, const OdDbEvalNodeId& idTo, OdDbEvalEdgeInfo& edgeInfo) const;
const OdDbEvalNodeId& idFrom 
[in] Node ID of the node at the start of the edge.  
const OdDbEvalNodeId& idTo 
[in] Node ID of the node at the end of the edge.  
OdDbEvalEdgeInfo& edgeInfo 
[out] Receives the edge information. 

Returns true if and only if successful.

Returns the edge information for the specified edge of this Graph object.

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