API Reference > OdDb Classes > OdDbRevolveOptions Class
OdDbRevolveOptions Class
class OdDbRevolveOptions;


Class for setting options used for creating revolving surfaces and revolving solids (by calling OdDbRevolvedSurface::createRevolvedSurface() or OdDb3dSolid::createRevolvedSolid() methods). Revolve options are used to control the shape of the resulting surface or solid object. 


Destroys the instance of revolving surface options. 
This is the overview for the OdDbRevolveOptions constructor overload. 
Checks whether a specified entity is valid for the revolve operation.
Returns the value of the close to axis option.
If the close to axis option is equal to true, then the ends of the profile will be extended to the axis of revolution before revolving. The default value of the option is false. 
Returns the draft angle in radians.
Draft angle is an angle of a profile's taper relative to the axis while the profile is revolving around the axis. The default value is equal to 0.0. 
Sets the value of the close to axis option.
If the close to axis option is equal to true, then the ends of the profile will be extended to the axis of revolution before revolving. The default value of the option is false.
Sets the draft angle.
Draft angle is an angle of a profile's taper relative to the axis while the profile is revolving around the axis. The default value is equal to 0.0.
Sets the twist angle.
Twist angle is the angle of a profile's twisting while the profile is revolving around the axis in radians. The default value is equal to 0.0.
Returns the twist angle in radians.
Twist angle is the angle of a profile's twisting while the profile is revolving around the axis in radians. The default value is equal to 0.0. 
Assigning operator for revolving surface options.
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