API Reference > OdDb Classes > OdDbRevolveOptions Class > OdDbRevolveOptions Methods > OdDbRevolveOptions::checkRevolveCurve Method
OdDbRevolveOptions::checkRevolveCurve Method
OdResult checkRevolveCurve(OdDbEntity* pRevEnt, const OdGePoint3d& axisPnt, const OdGeVector3d& axisDir, bool& closed, bool& endPointsOnAxis, bool& planar, bool displayErrorMessages = false);
OdDbEntity* pRevEnt 
[in] A pointer to the entity (curve or region) to be revolved.  
const OdGePoint3d& axisPnt 
[in] A point on the axis of revolution.  
const OdGeVector3d& axisDir 
[in] A vector determining the direction of the revolution axis.  
bool& closed 
[out] A passed-in parameter for returning the indicator determining whether the revolved entity is closed.  
bool& endPointsOnAxis 
[out] A passed-in parameter for returning the indicator determining whether the revolved entity is open and whether its endpoints lie on the axis of revolution.  
bool& planar 
[out] A passed-in parameter for returning the indicator determining whether the revolved entity is planar.  
bool displayErrorMessages = false 
[in] Indicates whether error messages are displayed. Default value is false.

Returns eOk if a specified entity is valid for revolving, or eInvalidInput otherwise.

Checks whether a specified entity is valid for the revolve operation. 


The method is called by OdDbRevolvedSurface:: createRevolvedSurface() and OdDb3dSolid::createRevolvedSolid() methods, so it is not necessary for a client application to call it.

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