API Reference > OdDb Classes > OdDbGeoData Class
OdDbGeoData Class
class OdDbGeoData : public OdDbObject;


This class represents GeoData objects in an OdDbDatabase instance. 


Default constructor. 
This enumeration represents the scale estimation method. 
This enumeration represents the type of design coordinates. 
Sets the three vertex indexes for the specified triangle face.
Inserts a new design/reference point association into the mesh.
Returns the Object ID of the block table record. 
Returns the radius of curvature of the ellipsoid model that is used in the sea-level correction algorithm. 
Returns the current coordinate system definition. 
Returns the type of design coordinates. 
Returns the design coordinates of the point associated with the point position specified by the setReferencePoint() method. 
Returns the boolean value that controls the application of the sea-level correction to horizontal coordinates during a local-to-grid transformation process. 
Reads the .dwg file data of this object.
Writes the .dwg file data of this object.
Reads the DXF data of this object.
Writes the DXF data of this object.
Erases this OdDbGeoData object from the database.
Returns the geoRSS tag. 
Returns the three vertex indexes for the specified face.
Returns the design points and the associated reference points in the object's transformation mesh.
Returns the object's transformation mesh points.
Returns the horizontal unit type.
Returns the current value of the horizontal unit scale.
Returns the azimuth of the Y axis relative to true north in radians east of north. 
Returns the copy of the 2D vector that defines the direction of true north in terms of design coordinates. 
Returns the number of faces in the mesh triangulation. 
Returns the number of points in the transformation mesh. 
Returns the current value of the ObservationCoverage property. 
Returns the current value of the ObservationFrom property. 
Returns the current value of the ObservationTo property. 
This is ODDB_DECLARE_MEMBERS, a member of class OdDbGeoData. 
Posts this OdDbGeoData object to the database.
Returns the reference point associated with the design coordinates that is set by the setDesignPoint() method. 
Resets both object's transformation mesh point arrays. 
Returns the current value of the scale estimation method of this object. 
Returns the current value of the scale factor of this object. 
Returns the current value of the object's sea level elevation. 
Sets the Object ID of the block table record.
Sets the radius of curvature of the ellipsoid model that is used in the sea-level correction algorithm.
Sets the current coordinate system definition.
Sets the type of design coordinates.
Sets the design coordinates of the point associated with the point position specified by the setReferencePoint() method.
Sets the boolean value that controls the application of the sea-level correction to horizontal coordinates during a local-to-grid transformation process.
Sets the user generated geoRSS tag.
Sets the linear unit in which X and Y cooordinates are expressed.
Sets the current value of the horizontal unit scale.
Replaces the object's transformation mesh point arrays.
Sets the current value of the 2D vector that defines the direction of true north in terms of design coordinates.
Sets the current value of the ObservationCoverage property.
Sets the current value of the ObservationFrom property.
Sets the current value of the ObservationTo property.
Sets the reference point associated with the design coordinates that is set by the setDesignPoint() method.
Sets the current value of the scale estimation method of this object.
Sets the user-defined scale factor of this object.
Sets the object's sea level elevation.
Sets the current value of the vector that defines the direction of the vertical axis of a local coordinate system.
Sets the vertical unit.
Sets the current value of the vertical unit scale.
This is the overview for the transformFromLonLatAlt method overload. 
This is the overview for the transformToLonLatAlt method overload. 
Updates transformation data. This function must be called after geodata fields were modified.
Returns the copy of the vector that defines the direction of the vertical axis of a local coordinate system. 
Returns the vertical unit type.
Returns the current value of the vertical unit scale.
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