API Reference > OdDb Classes > OdDbGeoData Class > OdDbGeoData Methods > OdDbGeoData::addMeshPointMap Method
OdDbGeoData::addMeshPointMap Method
OdResult addMeshPointMap(OdInt32 index, const OdGePoint2d& srcPt, const OdGePoint2d& dstPt);
OdInt32 index 
[in] Array index.  
const OdGePoint2d& srcPt 
[in] Source point.  
const OdGePoint2d& dstPt 
[in] Destination point. 

Inserts a new design/reference point association into the mesh. 


The new point association is inserted before the array index parameter. If the index specification is invalid, the new point association is appended to the end of the mesh array.

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